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jbu3 finished Tangle Tower
A charming murder mystery with a lovely aesthetic, an engaging collection of oddball suspects, and puzzles that take some level of considered thought without making you bust out a walkthrough. Short and sweet!

5 days ago

jbu3 completed The Chrono Jotter
The Chrono Jotter is a gruesome, "death game" style murder mystery that features cannibalism, suicide, and cosmic horror. It also happens to be one of the more empathetic games we've played. Much like The House in Fata Morgana, the most horrific exteriors can hide a loving tragedy that's worth experiencing. Give this a shot, especially now that it's received a reworked English translation this year.

7 days ago

jbu3 finished Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Rebirth fails to clear the lofty narrative bar Remake set for itself, settling instead for walking back every interesting piece of setup from the previous game. It fails to accurately represent the characters, reducing most of them to Flanderized shells. It fails to provide an interesting open world, settling for rote checklist work that drags and drags. Aside from the finely tuned combat and inventive music, this game is an utter failure on nearly every imaginable front. At this point, we’re confident in saying we won’t be back for Reunion or whatever the fuck they end up calling it.

12 days ago

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