mehhhh, this game i am pretty conflicted about. It is definitely splatoon, and I like splatoon, but the thing is this game doesn't really do anything to spice things up besides add a couple new flourishings to existing features in the previous games. This game doesn't even have any particular mode to call its own besides the splatfest-exclusive tri-color turf war, which you can't even play outside of splatfests. As for the story mode, it definitely plays a lot like the Octo Expansion from the second game, which is a good thing. A lot of the levels are kind of boring though, as there's not much reason to explore them as all the collectables are now only in the hub world rather than in the levels. The finale is great though, as is every splatoon game. All in all, if you haven't played any other splatoon game in the past, absolutely get this one instead of the others. If you already own splatoon 2 and your friends didn't already make the jump, there's not a lot different here to really make it worth the 60 bucks. But you probably should make the jump anyways because everyone else already bought this and nobodys gonna wanna go back to 2 even though its the same game, ugh.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023
