Incredible RPG. Truly lonely atmosphere. I can’t say that I’ve ever played another game with an atmosphere quite like this one. Feels very y2k in the best way possible.

The gameplay in this is superb. Probably the best of any SMT title. The atmosphere, story and characters in this game are all really good. Not quite as good as nocturnes atmosphere, but still great. The music is pretty bad tho

All around perfect game. Amazing combat and infinitely replayable. Probably my fav SMT game

This game is fucking beautiful! Really means a lot to me. I think it’s always going to be fun

Chrono trigger is straight up a perfect RPG. Probably the most replayable. So many different endings and party combinations. I really love it. Not a unique opinion, but probably my favorite game from square Enix

Okami was a game I picked on a whim one day and I was absolutely blown away. Incredible game up and down. There are some occasional control issues and the combat is susceptible to minor jank, but that doesn’t hold this masterpiece bacl

Really solid start to a great trilogy. A lot simpler compared to the next game, but still fun nonetheless

Some of the best turn based combat out there. This game is damn near flawless. Save for a couple of backtracking missions and some of my personal qualms with the writing. Absolutely lovely game

Might be a bit controversial, but this is my favorite paper Mario. It has strong sentimental attachment for me. The story and puzzles really shine in this game. The platforming is also really nice. Only complaint is that some character designs are way too simple looking

Extremely generic. Threw everything good about the series away for some reason. The gameplay is abysmal and there is no reason to fight enemies. The puzzles are also quite obtuse for no good reason

A little better than stocker stat, but not by a lot. Still no reason to engage in combat

A big step in the right direction. This game really is more adventure than RPG as it still kind of has the combat issues in the last two. Really solid fun tho all things considered

Amazingly innovative start to the series! Every case is good and the ending is great. Amazing graphics and soundtrack as well. Love everything about this game

Definitely a lot weaker than the first, but von karma is a really good prosecutor

My favorite ace attorney game. Amazing story and the best prosecutor. Every case is great and it has the best ending in the series