Very polished graphics and physics, fine-tuned and interesting battle and traversal mechanics. This I think is exactly what you expect from a top-notch triple-A title. The plot at times felt a bit too simplistic and close to naive, but it had a sort of cute family-friendly charm to it as well. The map feels underutilized, and I think many more side missions could have been added. But overall, a solid 4/5 for pretty much the experience you expect from Marvel's Spider-Man lore.

UPD: after playing the original one, this one feels more like a DLC, than a full sequel. In terms of the script, and the whole immersion experience, in the transition from the friendly neighbor Spider-Man to an-even-more-friendly Miles Morales I think the game lost something.

Spider-Man character lost its awkward charisma, swapping it with the Disney-like childish naivete of Miles Morales. Police radio feed now became an app and calls from his friend. Lots of the turning points in the plot are over-exaggerated, while others are hardly explained (the whole background and the purpose of the Underground are unclear and cheesy, or the Venom power that Miles got is... well... just random). Yeah... I guess I'm not the target audience for this game. Still could work as a cute DLC for the younger audience.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023
