I write this journal having finished my run in the 80 Days in 80 Days race that I organized. It took me 68 days, both in the real world and in the game. This experience, and watching so many people go through it with me, has given me a new appreciation for both the successes and the failings of this game.

Plunging several dozen people into it, many of whom had never played before, with other peoples' routes to compare themselves to has thrown into relief just how frustrating the 80 Days' foibles can be. There are a number of UI issues that create pure misery, especially in the context of a game with a constantly-ticking clock. Why is it to hard to tell that you can often purchase extra luggage? Why does clicking on the background boot you from the market? Why does the game allow you to pay good money to accelerate a departure you can't afford anyway?

Despite all of this, I'm still convinced this is a masterpiece. These are ultimately quibbles—they undeniably suck for first-time players, but they're easy enough to learn to avoid. The other thing this race has taught me is just how much variety is packed into the game. I've kept a map of everyone's routes, and it's crisscrossed all over the place. Every player took a unique route and had a unique experience, even on the same starting seed. It's a delight to see, and I wish there was any other game like it.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2022
