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first things first: pretty good game but my god is it overhyped--

i enjoyed my time with this game and there aren't many things i can critized about this game. however there still are a few and i absolutely will go on and complain about them

first things first, that fricking okumura boss fight. if it hadn't been on a time limit, it might've been alright. but it was on a time limit and even if that had been removed, that boss isn't possible first try if you aren't using a guide.

i also wasn't a fan of the wakaba boss fight. it takes way too long to recharge that catapult and i ended up just waiting for like twenty turns, just so i could do damage for like 1-2 turns. this isn't good game design, it's literally just a waiting game.

i have minor complains about some other fights as well. some fights against enemies with no weaknesses took way too long since, you know-- they got no weakness? just putting on rush for them wasn't very fun.

another complain is haru. she is a very sweet girl but she was introduced way too late in the game. and even then, you gotta max out your knowledge to even talk to her? i genuinely think she shouldn't have any requirements after being introduced this late.

now, let's get to what i actually liked about the game.

i really fricking liked kamoshida. he was such a good villain and no other villain could reach his heights again after that. given that he was the first villain of the game, that's kinda sad. but the other villains weren't terrible, just kamoshida was my favourite.

i also like the bad endings in this game. hell, even the good / true endings aren't what i would call a "happy ending". which, i understand, is the point of them. but the bad ending where you give into maruki's reality is by far the best ending in the game. this is the sort of happy ending i would've wanted for the game and knowing it wasn't a good ending at all is just such a gut punch, i love it.

the battle system is really fun as well! it's very fast and i'm happy that it's not just spending time in menus for most of the time.

the ost is great too! i'm easily distracted so i was nervous about vocal songs playing in the background, but it honestly worked very well. some of them even found their way into my everyday playlist. but the instrumental songs are nice too. not all of them (i am looking at you, mementos--) but there are some decent songs! i especially like the song that plays during the last palace in the true ending. an absolute banger!

over all, i really enjoyed my time with persona 5 royal. it was a bit too long for my liking or rather it felt a little too long, due to you not having as much freedom as you have with other jrpgs or open world games, since the entire game is locked to a schedule. and despite it taking me quite a while to beat it and leaving the game multiple times for some months, i finally did it. and i'm glad i did.

persona 5 royal is a pretty good game. it doesn't reinvent anything, but it got a fun battle system, a nice story and some decent characters!

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2023
