His mindfuck final smash is pretty cool

Remember when the final fantasy series had as much music in Smash as the game and watch series

Watching smash 4 break down in real time was pretty fun, if I do say so myself

Cool gimmick character, just wish they were a bit more unique from each other

I’m just gonna say it

The Steve rivals of aether mod by Muno is better than this

Could never get that arena bullshit to work no matter how hard I tried

With Tmodloader now updated to the latest version of vanilla Terraria, I can confidently say that Calamity is the definitive way to play Terraria and probably the best mod of all time

Very cool Nintendo now can you please do it again but make it a full game?


Always a joy to see fans give more of a shit about Nintendo’s legacy than Nintendo

Nearly had a stroke playing 4 team modes

Besides Super Smash Bros. Brawl, this the most important game of my life.

I had this game almost entirely spoiled for me but I still played through it and had a blast experiencing everything like it was really my first time seeing it all. This game is pure joy. A genuine masterpiece