Gosh, there's over 250 reviews for this one and 4000+ plays! Wowzers!

I was a Sega baby with a Sega CD and until I started this a few days ago had never played a single second of Sonic CD! It's fun!

I really like how it seems WAY more like Sonic 1 than any of the others, which is really neat from a like, time capsule perspective.

I'll absolutely cop to something though: I don't really know what I was supposed to be doing. I got all of the Time Stones more or less as early as I was able to, and the rest of the time I just kinda wandered through the levels like Forrest Gump. I never understood what I was supposed to be doing.

I oftentimes randomly ended up teleporting into the past or future, which seemed to be based on how fast I was going; I understood that. I didn't quite understand why I wanted to be doing that? Or not wanting to?

I don't really care though; I had a blast regardless. I love the way it sounds and I loved the cool enemies and the cute flowers and the anime cutscenes and the cool Robotnik designs.

This was a lovely time!

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2022
