Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

released on Nov 13, 2007

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

released on Nov 13, 2007

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles is the first natively developed for the Wii console. Unlike the other games focused on free exploration, this title is an on-rails shooting game with fixed movement and perspectives. While playing, the camera floats to different areas and players shoot enemies on the screen, picking up ammo, weapons and health kits in the progress. In some situations, the controller can also be used as a melee weapon or in timed sequences. Some levels feature multiple paths and there are regular checkpoints. At the end of a level, the player's performance is awarded by stars, which can be exchanged for weapon upgrades. The game supports the Wii Zapper and features cooperative gameplay for up to two players.

Also in series

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Chainsaw Maniac
Chainsaw Maniac
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4

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This is a good home light gun shooter. If you like the genre, you should like this game. If you like Resident Evil as a series, go ahead and give this a shot.

I was originally going to play Darkside since Code Veronica is a tank control but the copy I have was scratched upon arrival and doesn't work past a certain mark. I had no interest in this one since I had already seen gameplay of all three of its titles but I realized during one of my replays of RE3 Remake that I keep coming back even though I know every nook and cranny as if I'm looking for something that wasn't there before like new content. There will never be an expansion to that game until I started thinking, what about the Umbrella Chronicles version?

So, I bought this game just for that section. Unfortunately you can't just pick one game or the other, with Darkside, it was one continuous story modern day with flashbacks to each game but with this one, it's continuous but doesn't have a main story to tie it all together or add to it so you play these three congruently like they were the actual titles. So I'll just split it up that way.
I was never a fan of RE0, I more or less exclude it from my canon, but I really wish that the train idea would've worked at least as well as Revelations' ship idea. It's the same here but it feels a bit better because you're actually seeing ahead of you.

It's on rails but you can choose this way or that way sometimes and it will have a different outcome with what you encounter. I remember being able to see the opposite player or NPC in Darkside but in this one, it just seems like whoever you choose just talks to themself and the other very rarely responds back or you see them outside of a cutscene which makes it feel a bit lonely. It really doesn't affect gameplay at all other than piece of mind, no different weapons, no swapped out dialogue so it still thinks you're playing as one instead of the other "Go down there" and your character jumps but you're the one that said it. Herbs aren't treated as stock, you pick them up, you use them, first aid sprays are kept until you 'die' and it basically acts as a second chance.

The environments are shootable and through that some give different badges and "points" for a report card at the end of each level, some give items such as ammo or healing too. As far as length of each section, for reference, Resi0 had 3 levels, it was a pretty mummarized (get it?) version of the events of the game though it didn't exactly have a whole lot going on in the first place. The length of those levels can be varied, this is more arcade like so there's constant action. I'm not sure how to gauge that but it took a little over an hour to get the Resi0 portion done and oh, what's this? Once you complete a section, you can either move onto the next or you get "bonus levels" depending on what ranks you got which are based around how fast you mow down since it's on rails, actual number of hits, critical hits, objects destroyed, and files. Which for Resi0 you unlock "Beginnings" or where Wesker was when it was all happening. They don't add a whole lot but if you know the brand then it's like "Oh my, Wesker vs a prototype tyrant" but that's about it.

The game can be off at times, I guess because of motion controls but I'll give a few examples. The final Queen Leech boss has you aim for the mouth but for one thing, this thing is made of mouth so you'd assume it's the one facing you which also happens to be the narrowest. The "head" if you will, but I found myself unloading on this thing, reticle directly in the eye but it wouldn't register as that hit box. Hit a little more to the left of the head and that did the trick but it was finnicky and the monster is always moving so it's kind of like testing to see where the hit box is next and it's not purposely designed that way, watch any PS3 walkthrough or like I said, the characters tell you what to do in that moment, it's just a flaw in its coding. I hit a spider the fell into another spider but the body didn't decompose yet so it was invincible because I was hitting the corpse's hit box instead (why you can do that, I don't know, it should be finished at that point) but that happened a few times.

They take a lot of wrong turns to dead ends and turn around to fight more enemies, it's actually almost comical how lost and in circles you go. Dodge commands won't always appear if you're shooting and really I have no explanation or strategy for that, the point is to shoot. Waving the Wii Remote to dodge (also a reaction command) was hit or miss because you normally have to be completely stopped in order to make it work and be able to catch the entire thing, not just willy nilly or dare even hold the B button while you wiggle. What wording, am I right?

At this point, I wasn't really a fan of the game, I liked seeing some of my favorite scenes in better graphics but it's all nulled by its gameplay and cliffnotes story, making it an FPS takes away from its characters because you never get to see any interaction and that's half of what makes RE work.

As far as the actual RE3 content, like I said, the story takes a dip. But your goal is to get to the helicopter from the very start, first cutscene, but with Carlos and that's your overall goal, there's no "but Nemesis stopped the first helicopter", no "He killed Brad" I don't think, no Nicholai either (except in the collectible notes for some reason??). So while he's big on screen in first person, he's not menacing enough but it's hard not to love his Darth Vader voice in this edition. And it's contradicting that Carlos is there under Umbrella to help, Jill is there under Stars to help but they're both just after the helicopter at the same time.

It slowly but surely made me happy a little bit though because I was getting to see these environments that I was familiar with and how they drew in comparison to the remakes like the police station and the train station as well as what differences there were and the added flashlight for some segments. For the last level of that section, you finally get introduced to and fight Nemy which he follows you for the whole level like he should, really cool. I even played that level twice. The actual battle portion is very reminiscent, you can see where they got some inspiration as far as him running in a circle and stuff.

The bonus isn't "more RE3" which is disappointing for me seeing as I bought it for that, but it's actually an Ada story that I really liked, so there. Weird that it's in this game seeing as it takes place after RE2 but...ok. That's my Ada. I had issues with the way she was in RE4 Remake and to a degree RE4 but this showed me that there's still something out there for her character that I might enjoy.

If you finish all of that including bonus levels and stuff you get one last section of the game that's original. Chris and Jill infiltrate an Umbrella facility that's working on a new B.O.W., and uh...wait is that the scene from the movie? But there's a lot of beeping for the one level that doesn't even stop for cutscenes, I know it's an alarm but it's just stupid to have constantly blaring while you're playing even as loud as your guns are. Wesker pulls the "it was me all along" and you see his perspective for the bonus levels. Yeah, it's all contained so it's nothing all that great other than what was teased a few of the other bonus levels. So you had a continuity side story but you didn't know it because it took place at the end.

Hunk also gets his notorious mercenaries type thing with more dialogue than any other level, can you believe it?

Should you never had played the actual games, you're not going to get the series speedrun that you're hoping for out of this game, which makes me glad I didn't shell out for Darkside to be underwhelmed by Code Veronica's stuff before I knew it at all. I don't regret the buy just because of that but other than a few levels, I didn't really care about it enough, I was glad when it was done.

Not a horrible game, but not one I'd jump to play again anytime soon, since the game has quite a few glaring flaws, such as: the music being incredibly forgettable - shocking for RE, extremely jarring and poor voice acting for the most part (they butchered my girl Rebecca), unbalanced enemy attack damage and health, and being weak and extremely short retellings of RE0, RE[make] and RE3 to work for 2-player, two of which being beloved entries into the franchise and RE0 being the newest "fixed camera" styled entry. Some mechanics, like the herbs are used weirdly, only healing you up when on screen instead of being stashed like any other RE game and ammo drops being for a specific gun rather than the one you equipped, negating the purpose of the weapon select screen.
What the game does well on however is its new stories like the Fall of Umbrella and the various "backstory" levels and missions, obviously being the main selling point of this game, giving extra content for the games mentioned before (and RE2) which is worth it in my opinion. The backstory missions aren't multiplayer on a first playthrough, so this game isn't too friendly to 2-players, despite making accomodations in the stories to fit them.
Overall, I'd recommend and rather play Darkside Chronicles over Umbrella, since that has better voice acting, story retellings and less infuriating and problematic areas.

This game is definitely no masterpiece. That said, it's about as good as it could be for a home lightgun shooter. Its representation of different memorable moments from the core games is aesthetically faithful; this is particularly impressive since it is mostly translating lovingly crafted 2d backgrounds into fully 3d environments. Gameplay-wise, it has some consistency problems when it comes to difficulty. Some enemies are just way, way too spongey. Most of the boss fights, however, are a treat, though it'd be nice if more of them felt more puzzley and less like rote endurance tests.

Last note - The reused score pieces from the original games are obviously top-notch, but almost all of the new music is awful. There is this one funky track in particular that just feels wildly out of place -- I get that it's a fun co-op shooter but even Carn-Evil felt spookier than this does most of the time.

this is a lot of fun, i didn't finish it but i'll definitely come back to it later.

a friend and i beat it in a day, it was a lot of fun. 100% recommend it if you have a partner