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The first person shooter genre usually pushes me away, but this game was legitimately great. The aim assist definitely made it more approachable for a newbie such as myself, but the game's fast running speed as well as its fast pace in general combined with the aim assist would mean this game could be played by an experienced player at a rapid speed that would probably appeal to a more hardcore fps player. It's a 3D game from the nineties, but it still holds up well to modern game design.

This game is near perfect, in my opinion. Everything pulls together to add to the particular nightmare-focused horror that this game is going for. Some of the more subtle terrors in the game remind me of nightmares I had in childhood, which made the game feel uniquely designed to unsettle me in particular. I also deeply enjoy that after your first playthrough, the horror drops, you get overpowered goodies, and the game seems to invite you behind the horror curtain so that subsequent playthroughs are less serious and more so something to be laughed at. It feels as if the developers decided that the jump scares couldn't be scary forever so they might as well allow the player to have fun with the game in a more relaxed way when they replay it. Overall, a wonderful game that you should play if you're at all interested in survival horror.

This game is incredibly niche, so it's impossible to recommend it generally. The story is esoteric but I found it enjoyable. The gameplay is repetitive and frankly boring. There's no need to play it unless you're a big fan of Yoko Taro or unless you have some other specific and personal reason.