Reviews from

in the past

dificil y divertido dea que ponia

a mindbogglingly well designed game with so much fucking content for $15 that it makes no damn sense! My first playthrough I didn't know there was a compass so i was like "damn you really gotta read the map in this mf" and that shit was seriously an incredible experience. best exploration ive experienced, incredible movement and combat, some of my favorite bosses. just the whole fucking package

i come back to this game alot

Pretty decent game, still need to complete it if i'm being honest but at the time of playing it I had alot of games to catch up on and play, which had me disinterested in this while I played it, the aesthetic is cool aswell, no doubt it impressed me but I honestly lost interest and will come back to it another time.

Um dos melhores jogos indie que eu já joguei, se não o melhor. Hollow Knight é o puro suco do metroidvania com uma arte visual fodástica, trilha sonora absurda, estágios e chefões incríveis, e uma jogabilidade impecável. Fiz questão de platinar e jogar todas as DLCs, e repetiria tudo de novo a qualquer momento. Peak fiction.

No aguardo de Silksong.

Está muy bueno pero calmense gordos tampoco para tanto

A beautifully crafted indie gem of a metroidvania, beating the final pantheon was stupid why did i do that

Me encantó desde el inicio hasta el final.

por algum motivo tenho preguiça de terminar mas é um baita jogo, acho que vou tentar fazer speed run dele

The game that made me fall in love with metroid-vanias

Que jogo incrível, um dos meus favoritos
Esse jogo é lindo. Cada parte do mapa é único, cada lugar possui inimigos e bosses diferentes, ainda ele te recompensa com itens e upgrades para ficar mais forte e poder explorar mais lugares. Vale muito a pena jogar e explorar esse mundo maravilhoso.
o jogo é um metroidvania e muito divertido. No começo, ele é meio lento, mas ao decorrer do jogo, fica mais rápido e divertido. Outro ponto positivo são os bosses, quase todos são carismáticos e com mecânicas diversas e difíceis, isso deixa o jogo menos maçante e com vontade de jogar, na minha opinião. O jogo também possibilita diversas builds para diferentes estilos de jogo, desde uma build focada em magia ate uma build focada no ferrão
A historia é complexa mas vale a pena saber dela principalmente porque deixa o mundo e os personagens ainda mais interessantes do que já são
Na minha opinião, um dos melhores jogos que eu tive o prazer de jogar. Se tiver a oportunidade, jogue

I absolutely adore this game but it's been so long since I last played it that I keep getting lost and wandering around to find where to go is just getting frustrating so I'm tempted to pick it back up in the future and play it from the start to get a more fulfilling playthrough out of it.

Will definitely give it a proper review when that time comes

The amount of content in this game is crazy. The world is filled more then almost any game I can think of. Love this game so god damn much!

el breath of the wild de esto sin más

Lo dejé de jugar y pensarlo porque mientras mas uno piensa este juego, peor es.
Excelentemente ejecutado sí, pero no hay un mínimo de originalidad en ninguna de sus ideas.

Was a 4.5 until I tried to complete other endings and got to the white palace. I thought the platforming was the game’s weakest point due to clunky movement, but i tolerated it the whole game because all other aspects of this game are outstanding, especially considering it’s an indie game. Until that point, it felt more like a 2d AARPG with platforming included….then it became an unforgiving platformer.

The world building and design and overall aesthetic are unparalleled. Most of the game is very well balanced with fighting and minimal platforming, and things really open up and become fun when unlocking a certain skill that provides i-frames which makes fighting really fluid.

After getting the basic ending, I kind of wish I stopped playing, but I wanted to work through the additional content and endings, and that’s where things kind of stopped being fun. It became a little grindy then I hit the platforming bottleneck. I enjoy challenges as long as the challenge is fun (e.g. boss fights), but the content started to feel more like a punishing chore. If you like AARPG’s, play the base game to get the base ending, then I suggest putting the game down unless you absolutely love the platforming aspect of the game.

If some of the clunky movement is fixed for silk song, then sign me up!

bom mas nao tive paciência, talvez volte dps, mas por enquanto vai ficar pegando poeira na minha steam

Have played the game twice and both times the world is so outstanding. This game is wonderful and its dlc only adds on to its brilliance. I love this game to pieces and bits and very rarely have I played an indie game with such an amazing combat system and story.

O mundo de Hollow Knight te cativa a cada cenário que é mostrado, fazendo com que cada batalha te prenda cada vez mais na história. O mistério que é revelado quanto mais você se aprofunda, se torna gratificante em um ponto que você não consegue mais parar de jogar.

Eu pensei que jogos difíceis fossem a minha praia e ainda penso que não é, não acho que eu tenha a paciência ou a habilidade pra Souls like ainda, mas Hollow Knight que é considerado o Souls like 2d eu gostei pra cacete.
Apesar de eu ter levado muito mais tempo pra finalizar a história do jogo do que um jogador médio, devido à pura ruindade, eu achei sempre muito recompensador derrotar um chefe depois de dezenas de tentativas, e se tem uma coisa que o jogo faz bem é recompensar o jogador, seja por uma habilidade ou magia aprendida, um upgrade no ferrão ou uma amuleto, tudo de difícil que você faz no jogo te recompensa de alguma forma e isso te motiva a continuar até o fim do jogo, você nem vê o tempo passar jogando esse jogo e poucos jogos me fizeram sentir assim.
Eu só fiz um dos finais, pesquisando eu vi que tem três e eu ainda tô juntando coragem pra voltar pro jogo por que a partir desse ponto as coisas ficam ainda mais complicadas.
Conclusão, eu achei o jogo fantástico, o combate, a exploração, a maneira sutil que a história é contada, a trilha sonora, tudo é maravilhoso.

Some of the best worldbuilding I've ever experienced in a game, with a persistent feeling of whimsy not many games can replicate. The final parts of the main game feels rushed though, with bosses which feel more miserable than challenging.

Uma das melhores coisas que já aconteceu na minha vida, esse jogo junta tanta coisa que eu gosto

no le puedo dar mas pq no me lo pasado pero toy claro q podria ser 5 entrellas muy arrecho la pelea de las mantis peak del gaming

Introductory title to the Metroidvania genre, one of the games that opened my eyes to the beauty of PC gaming. This game will always have a special place in my heart.

Det her er virkelig et spil man kan fordybe sig i.

This review contains spoilers

(100%, all bosses radiant, first two pantheons all bindings)

Very solid controls, but having to hold the jump button to stay in the air longer took a while to get used to.
Probably the most value game in terms of dollar to dense content ratio. This game is huge. A little bit too
big, I think. There were a lot of times I got lost in this game without knowing where to go. It happened more
in this game than with any other Metroidvania I have played. Content is extremely fine tuned and precise, but the
weak base kit makes charms like Mark of Pride (increased range), Quick Nail (increased attack speed), and Steady
Body (don't get knocked back when attacking) feel almost necessary. DLCs, mainly the Grimm Troupe and Godmaster
are fantastic additions, although I wish Godmaster actually had less content. Acknowledging extremely difficult
challenges like completing Pantheons with all bindings made me feel like I had to do them to be a completionist.
They are so extremely difficult though, that I eventually gave up. Also, many of the bosses in the Hall of Gods
feel like they have way too much health. Bosses like Markoth, Marmu, Grey Prince Zote, the Oblobbles, and
especially Absolute Radiance feel poorly designed, with RNG having a huge part to do with their boss fights. On
the other hand, bosses like Nightmare King Grimm, Pale Vessel, Dung Defender/White Defender, and the Nailmasters
are extremely fun and well designed. Absolute Radiance on Radiant difficulty (no damage) made me want to die.
This might be on of the hardest, or the hardest gaming challenge I have ever completed. I think I attempted this
for 10 hours. There is so much RNG bs to deal with every time you fight him, it's hard to build any kind of
consistency against him. It can be fun to fight him, but every time you get hit where it feels you couldn't have
done anything, it really stings. Finally, the art style, atmosphere, and NPC's are extremely well done and
memorable, but the story and lore didn't really affect me in any way. I didn't really know what the Hollow Knight
and Radiance were in the end, and I guess I don't really care. I wish the story was told in a more effective way.
All in all though, incredible game, and especially for the price, this might be the most value game on the market.