Reviews from

in the past

While the gameplay is still up to par and the graphics are noticeably better. This game is a downgrade in just about every other way

Some things, like the lightsaber combat, are a much appreciated improvement, but the rest of it is just: Why?

Score is good though.

O segundo jogo acerta onde o primeiro erra, e erra onde o primeiro acerta. A jogabilidade do segundo é muito mais fluida, da vontade de jogar, diferentemente do primeiro, que é muito travada. Mas infelizmente as vezes a história deixa a desejar, apenas alguns pontos são notáveis, mas em resumo é um bom jogo.

A helluva evolution from last game, fell in love on the very beggining!!!

Capped at 30fps again, but as i say, not a big problem... Its so damn F L U I D, it's beautiful. The combat is really fun, the double sabers was a big and pleasant surprise to me

I feel like the game was shorter than the Force U 1, but i enjoyed this one 100x more than the first game.

And again, Sam Witwer is AMAZING

The best star wars game of all time

Bastante más flojo que el primero. Menos variedad.

Honestly, this doesn`t change much things from the first game - it is still a buggy and blend mess.The levels are way less interesting than the first game, it gets kinda repetitve (these guys love them QTE, holy moly) and the story is really boring. The only things they improve from the first game is that the combat is much more refined and interesting and the boss patterns have something to it, but that doesn`t save this game at all for me.

A rushed, poorly written, and plainly unfun game. I see why I never finished this as a kid.


A short but really fun sequel. Also, for it’s time I remember the graphics being amazing - I can’t say that I don’t understand the criticism but I still found the story, gameplay and voice acting amazing: I just wanted more of it.

mi ricordo che era meglio l'altro

É bom. Joguei a muitos anos e não posso descrever bem a experiência, pretendo revisitar um dia

I liked watching a stormtrooper vault himself out of the window when I waved my hand at him

half the length of the first game, worse costumes and the game only has like 3 bosses. But it has some cool setpieces and the dual wield lightsaber mechanics with the crystals is fun to play arround with. not a bad game but still a letdown from Force Unleashed .

We love Sam Witwer the Sequel.

Huge production value boost, everything is better. The cinematics, the graphics, the gameplay; not the music though, that's still regular ol' Star Wars music. An obvious tradeoff though is the game is waaaay shorter, like it can be beaten in 3 hours shorter. All the improvements are great, shame it's shorter and there will never be a sequel unless Disney Star Wars does some 'what if' series and continues the plot.

Entiendo el hate por la duración exageradamente corta pero es que el combate me parece exquisito, me divertí horas en su tiempo, miles y miles de horas. La pelea final me sigue pareciendo épica y emotiva, no puedo describir mejor lo que me hace sentir.

Eu esperava mais, zerei anos depois do primeiro(que joguei no PS2), estava ansioso por ter uma jogo bom(considerando a memória afetiva), mas me decepcionei com uma história MUITO curta, gameplay bem repetitiva e sem muita variação de inimigos

MUITO mas MUITO melhor que o primeiro, a história dele ainda é bem agua com sol mas muito mais interessante que a primeira, a gameplay dele ainda é basica, mas é infinitamente superior ao do primeiro jogo, e surpreendentemente eu me diverti muito jogando esse jogo, esse sim eu recomendo para quem é fã da saga, ele só poderia ter uma narrativa melhor, e ter mais mecanicas de combate, mas ele é bem divertido.
e como um plus o jogo só dura umas 7h fazendo tudo possivel, então ele não enjoa. super recomendo para fãs da saga.

baita jogaço e o momento q ele encontra a june... simplesmente perfeito

In my Top 3 Games of All Time! Has a super fun and rewarding campaign with multiple endings. You unlock characters for multiplayer as you play through the campaign. The Multiplayer mode is in my top 5 multiplayer modes of all time.

Yes! The graphics were seriously upgraded and the gameplay is near perfect. It’s still really just a load of fighting, but I found the story here to be slightly more compelling than the previous game.

Cortisimo, facilisimo, una secuela innecesaria y mala