Reviews from

in the past

Preciso admitir duas coisas: primeiro que, como sempre, eu não seria nada sem o YouTube (para as Ghost Houses) e as funções de voltar e salvar a qualquer momento do NSO, e segundo que essa nota provavelmente tem um peso nostálgico gigantesco. Super Mario World é o jogo que eu jogava com amigos quando era criança, um grupo de moleques enfiado num quarto tentando e tentando, mas empacado, imagino, na Forest of Illusion. Acordei hoje, no meu aniversário, querendo uma coisa leve pra passar o tempo, e fui jogando sem conseguir parar até que, quando vi, estava no último mapa – e dessa vez salvei a princesa!

Como nenhuma das outras amizades sobreviveu ao teste do tempo, talvez no fim das contas meu maior amigo de infância seja o Mario, mesmo.

Undoubtedly a classic full of fun ideas and revolutionary mechanics. The art is beautiful and colourfully stylised, it's a visual treat!
However, even when compared to its contemporaries and even the previous entries to the Mario series on the NES I think some level design is lacking.
There are sections which feel messy and while I love the emphasis on exploration and secrets afforded by the interconnected overworld, sometimes the 'solution' for finding the correct path forward is very arbitrary.
I was never stuck, but I did occasionally go "really?? okay..."

Final boss is a blast!
(hate Reznor with a passion though)

All in all, incredibly solid and beloved but outshone by other platformers of the time!

One of the most videogame videogames

its fun but i like tanuki mario more than cape mario

they were fucked up for expecting kids to 100% this game back in the 90s without a guide

i have never played this game outside of the star world, this game will always be about 20 minutes long in my mind.

100% (Its autumn now)
Just classic Mario fun

Tem algo para falar sobre?
(mesmo tendo varios defeitos)

The cape power up is kinda lame along with some elements of Yoshi and just the aesthetic in general just puts me off for some reason

Honestly the only things really holding it back from a 5 are what it downgrades from the third game (reverting to small Mario after being hit, less powerups, some sorta ugly graphics), otherwise it’s nigh-perfect

This review contains spoilers

I'm not much of a platformer player, really. I do enjoy them and I do my best with them, but a combination of lack of actual skill at games and a bit of a poor patience and easily frustrated mind make me not the ideal target for them. I've never even touched a Mega Man game, for example. I imagine they'd make me want to tear my head off. This is also why it took me over 20 years to actually beat the first three Mario bros. games, and i'm pretty sure in the case of 2, maybe three and definitely this one, 20 years to even play them. There's a chance that's sacrilegious to some people but that's just my experience. Once i'd actually beaten the first three, and more recently Mario Land as well, I could definitely say I enjoyed them. I mean, 2 a bit less than the others, Land maybe a bit more than the average opinion, but none of them blew me away. I fully get why they were so big, so influential, and still matter to Nintendo and Mario even now, but none of them whisked me away into them fully. None of them felt amazing, not until I played Super Mario World. There's a chance that it's a fondness for the SNES in general as many games i've ended up playing from it (Super Metroid, Earthbound, Link to the Past) have been games i've absolutely adored, but something about this game just clicked for me in a way none of the other Mario games that had been released to this point did. The music is stunning, perhaps better than Land which had been the best of the lot so far soundtrack wise, every track is memorable or just instinctively makes me want to whistle along. The levels are fun and breezy, a perfect mix of challenge and character, the latter of which combined with the world map and locations just felt like the first Mario game to really have a world to it. The power-ups are minimal but excellent, the fire flower has stuck around since the start for a reason and the cape was so fun to play with. The ghost houses are an excellent addition to play with the usual format of standard levels to castles, all of these little things that feel like they inform the series going forward in extremely positive ways. These might be very basic observations, i'm not exactly out here to try and flip the conversation on a 30+ year old game that everyone has heard of, it's just stunning to me that this game connected with me the way it did. I will now have to play every main series Mario game as I was toying with the idea, and this being so excellent has fully tipped the scales in favour of doing so. Super Nintendo wins again.

Super Mario World é um clássico atemporal que ainda encanta jogadores de todas as idades. A Nintendo acertou em cheio com este jogo, oferecendo uma jogabilidade impecável e níveis incrivelmente criativos. Cada mundo traz uma nova surpresa, mantendo a experiência sempre fresca e divertida. A mecânica de controle é super precisa, e explorar os segredos escondidos em cada nível é sempre um desafio. A adição do Yoshi, meu personagem favorito, como companheiro de Mario foi um toque de mestre, adicionando ainda mais camadas de diversão à jogabilidade. Lembro de tentar ir o mais longe possível com meu primeiro Yoshi.

A nostalgia é um dos pontos mais fortes de Super Mario World. Para muitos, inclusive eu, este jogo representa a infância e as primeiras aventuras no mundo dos videogames. Os gráficos coloridos e a trilha sonora icônica trazem de volta tantas memórias boas, enquanto o design atemporal faz com que o jogo continue tão divertido hoje quanto na época de seu lançamento.

Es bastante bueno, pero nada supera al tercer juego xd

Truly an enjoyable game with plenty of fun shortcuts to find. Also Yoshi.

This is probably my favorite 2D Mario game.

There's a lot you can do here aside from the usual jumping and stepping on turtles like you could in the past games. You can also pick up the turtles and throw them to hit multiple enemies in a straight line (like a bowling ball essentially). You can also sprint which allows you to jump further. And, of course, the most iconic feature: Yoshi. You can ride on Yoshi and command it to eat the enemies and release some kind of special effect in return. When you are riding Yoshi you also insta-kill all enemies you stump on. You can also get the wings and fly (glide) for a bit. Yoshi also acts as an extra hit point for you as whenever you got hit riding Yoshi, Yoshi will get spooked and try to run away. If you managed to get back onto Yoshi, you essentially claimed back your lost life. Yoshi is probably the best addition to the game and I really like him.

The game's levels are generally very fun. The game is actually more challenging than I anticipated and I often find myself getting stuck at a level due to dying way too many times. There's also a fair amount of secrets within the game like the keys to the star room which allows you to skip through levels. Exploration is actually required for the game or you will get lost in some haunted house stages or the forest part later in the game. Speaking of the forest part, I do find it annoying but managed to get through it nonetheless. I do enjoy the levels in this game a lot and some of the challenges it offered.

I would have given this game a five star if not for some of the more frustrating part like the forest level. As I said before, I really like this game and consider this my favorite 2D Mario game.

quase abandonei no inicio por pura raiva, sentia que o jogo tava me passando um estresse nao saudavel pq parece q foi feito por um completo filho da puta. isso pq a dificuldade do jogo nao ta 100% no jogador, as proprias fases sao feitas pra q vc erre e se foda e isso tava me dando a impressão de que não importava quanto eu praticava pq eu nao parecia melhorar

dito isso o jogo bem bom, gostei. continuei jogando mesmo assim até q me acostumei e comecei a achar divertido. é um jogo que tive um contato muito breve na infancia, provavelmente por conta da dificuldade mesmo

the best mario 2d platformer its peak the levels are good the worlds are good its amazing

I found a 100% save file for this on NSO, and not realizing it was an alternate thing from regular SMW, I naturally assumed I 100% completed the game in my sleep. On one hand, it must've been really good for me to dedicate myself to it that much. On the other hand, it couldn't have been that good, otherwise I would've woken up.

Hands down the best Mario. Best vibe, best music, best map, and Yoshi. In many ways I view this as Mario 3 but better.