Reviews from

in the past

i mean its fortnite, i guess

i only have fun playing it with friends but i think that's because i like my friends <3

there is a toph from avatar and fry from futurama skin. that makes me happy :)

As much as i love Fortnite this game has so many ups and downs

ever since they put zero build I’ve actually had fun with this lol

The greatest multiplayer game ever created

I don’t like the current state of the game but man i played the fuck out of this in chapter 1-2

Good game, with friends more fun.

In it's prime, it was something special

Talvez o jogo que mais joguei na minha vida e que jogo até hoje. Comecei na Temp 4 do Cap 1, porem ja joguei um pouco de todas as temporadas anteriores na casa de uns amigos meus. O jogo antigamente era muito divertido, hoje em dia é as vezes.. O jogo sempre anda tendo seus altos e baixos, porem sempre continuo jogando. Muita gente diz que o fortnite foi pro caminho errado, que n deveria ter mudado, mas sem mudanças um jogo nao anda para frente, muita gente reclama, mas acho que era a decisao certa a se tomar

For me this game is amazing and gives so money

hey man i was a kid, dont judge me

Was pretty good when it started, now it’s toxic and full of try hards

not a huge fan of the game, but Jonesy really should've been a mii costume in Smash

Not sure why I come back to this game, but it’s a nice game to just chill and 200 pump people on BR/Creative. Plus, it’s already robbed me of hundreds of dollars somehow…


Fortnite and mark ass brownlee

i love killing people as mina ashido from mha

over the years fortnite has triumphed over all other shooter games and is still at the top for very good reasons

N da cara, esse jogo é uma caixinha de surpresas e eu sempre racho de rir com ele.

Yes, I gave Fortnite 5 stars, and you know what? I'm proud of it.

I remember playing Fortnite when it first came out and having a decent amount of fun with it. It was fun to play with friends and stuff but eventually people began to start getting good at the game and I wasn't a super diligent player myself, so I fell behind and then the game stopped being fun. I sucked (and still do) at building and once people began to get really good at it, I stopped playing Fortnite altogether.

Fast forward to like January 2023, and it's now Chapter 4, Season 1. Fortnite has undergone a lot of changes since then. Some good, some bad, but the best change by far has been the inclusion of Zero Build. Seriously, Zero Build is what got me back into Fortnite. Sure, you do lose a lot of depth to the game with building, but I also feel like it forces you to focus more on gunplay, accuracy, positioning, and other tactics, which I really like. In Build mode, pretty much every aspect of the game revolves around building, and nowadays a lot of people are really good at building, so trying to get into it at this point is pretty hopeless. With that being said, Zero Build opened my eyes to how great of a game Fortnite really is. It made it accessible to anyone, which I think has really helped its player count over these past couple of years.

Fortnite's gunplay has steadily improved over the years. They're always cycling through new guns, introducing new weapons, or modifying existing ones. Sometimes, you don't even have to wait an entire season for that to happen, either. Playing it on PS5 feels great as well. There's not a lot of haptics on the guns but they do feel fun to use.

Also, the graphics (at least on the PS5) look honestly pretty amazing. I remember walking around through the snow forest near Lavish Lair and having to stop for a second and admire how beautiful everything was. Mount Olympus was breathtaking as well. Of course, graphics don't make a game, but it does help, and Fortnite's graphics are pretty damn good. When I play it on my laptop though, the graphics take a nosedive lol. Not a big deal.

However, I think the greatest part of Fortnite has been its refusal to fall off since its inception in 2017. It has been 7 YEARS since Fortnite came out and not only is it still going, but it's arguably more popular than ever. I can't think of many games that have been able to do that. Maybe Overwatch, but that's a different story. Fortnite has been able to stay relevant thanks to the willingness of the developers to make bold choices and changes to their game. Yes, Fortnite is still a battle royale, but it has undergone numerous changes to its gameplay, map, items, UI, menus, pretty much everything. Like, you can look at games like Apex or PUBG, and by and large those games look and play pretty similar to how they did when they came out. But you look at Fortnite now compared to when it came out, and it is night and day. Fortnite has been able to stick around for so long partly because it has continuously evolved and changed over the years, and not only does that bring new gameplay changes and mechanics, but it also makes the game better. It honestly feels like the devs are putting whatever they want into the game but people seem to eat it up every time, so I respect it. In just the past year, we've had a neo-samurai theme, a medieval theme with an attack on titan crossover, a jungle theme with dinosaurs and thermal vision, the OG map and weapons, a heist theme, a secret society theme with a new medallion mechanic, a Greek theme with an Avatar bending crossover, and now we’re on Chapter 5, Season 3, with a mad max-inspired theme that brings upgraded cars and a fallout crossover. There's also been like 2 or 3 Star Wars crossovers since I got back into it, and they were really fun. Like, you never know what to expect from Fortnite, but it's always going to be pretty fun and there'll be tons of new stuff to do. And at the end of the day, isn't that what we all want from a battle royale multiplayer game? Apex, Warzone, PUBG, H1Z1, these games are still around, sure, but they never changed much. As fun as they were at launch, people crave change. Eventually, games will get stale, and players will become bored. You need to make significant changes every so often to keep your game relevant. Fortnite takes this a step further by implementing seasons. This way, players always know when the next big update is coming, so they always have something to look forward to. Like, maybe someone doesn't like a certain season but then Epic Games can say "Hey don't worry, you'll get a new season within the next 90 days or so. Things will be different." Not many game devs can say that and actually mean it. Sure, Apex adds new heroes every now and then, and Warzone and other multiplayer games update their battle pass and maybe do some miniscule gameplay changes, but Fortnite has them beat. They repeatedly cycle through ideas and concepts to ensure that they stay relevant, and I for one have really enjoyed it.

However, I think another key aspect of Fortnite’s continued relevance and ability to bring back former players years later has been its ever-growing item shop and collaborations. It’s gotten to the point where you can think of any fictional character (or even a couple real life ones too) and there’s a good chance they’re in Fortnite. Star Wars, Dragon Ball, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Marvel, Fallout, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, all of these have not only had skins and items added to the shop but have also gotten their own in-game event with gameplay items and weapons (and they were all really fun too), and those are only the collabs I can remember off the top of my head. Hell, when Fortnite had their Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover event, the bending abilities were so well implemented that people were advocating for Epic Games to make an ATLA game themselves. Like, it’s crazy how Fortnite can take on so many franchises and IPs and beautifully recreate them in their game. It is so much fun. And with Fortnite recently adding Lethal Company and Magneto to the game (not to mention their massive tie-in announcement with Disney recently), there’s no telling what other surprises they have in store.

I genuinely believe that Fortnite is at least in the list for the top 100 best games of all time, because it has done something remarkable and has only continued to improve and expand over the years.

However, I don’t like what they did with the locker recently. Change it back pls.

unserious and predatory game for children. i will cherish the thousands of hours i've spent playing with my beloved friends

Haven't played this since it came out in 2017, and even then, it was mid. Today it's mid for the opposite reason. Back then it was because the game was too shallow and too simplistic for me (which is why i prefer something like Naraka over it) but today it's because there is too much going on. Too many modes, too many weird obtuse menus, and too much visual clutter for me.

The two major negatives in my shock were the UI design and the performance. On a 7800XT and a 5800x I struggled to hit a consistent 40 on the "recommended settings" so i turned off the overbearing lighting and the... MAX SUPER RESOLUTION, that I definitely did not want. I can now hit a solid 144 with lower high settings, but it's a shock I had any issues at all in the performance department, utter shock. However, the UI is horrendous. The main menus are fine, if very gross, but the in-game UI is really confusing and all over-the-place. The screen is cluttered with needless asymmetry in it's placement of important information (such as inventory and currency) and else wise the design is good, but just having too much extraneous information that did more to annoy and visually harass me than give me worthwhile information. The balance also needs to be... fixed, badly. However, everything else screamed F2P battle royale down to the tiniest element. I just wish they were more forthcoming about how the things in the game operate, otherwise, it's just normal brainrot.

Tried playing this once and didn't get hooked. Building mechanics are wack.