Reviews from

in the past

I was under the impression that this game was the best of the trilogy, but it feels pretty underwhelming compared to Ever17. The game only felt interesting in the beginning and the last half of the Satoru route, the rest is extremely slow. I would rather have a classic structure of multiple paths and a true ending instead of this mess.
Many questions are left unanswered and in general many plotpoints are unrealistic or have no explanation. Like, why make a psychiatric facility in the middle of nowhere with capacity for only 4 people? I was just thinking over and over again "can't wait to see why X happens" and then the game completely ignores the fact that X doesn't make sense.
Overall pretty mid, but was funny to realise this game probably inspired Your Name.

The kind of game you will either rate 10/10 or 2/10. Easily Nakazawa and Uchikoshi's best work. Amazing pacing and somehow the most consistently solid Infinity cast despite the game not really focusing on characters as much as the previous two entries. If you somehow see this review first, don't read anything else about this game because people spoil major aspects of it without even realizing it, just go play it for yourself.

Also the ending is great fuck you

Gostei 🙏❤️

Inubushi keiko dá muito o cu 👍

Búsqueda del libre albedrío e identidad.
La lucha contra el infinito.
Auto descubrimiento del ser.
Un sistema basto de decisiones del cual cae en responsabilidad del jugador sobrellevar esta caótica historia de múltiples interpretaciones, tal cual efecto de mariposa se tratase, lleno de detalles e incertidumbre en un ambiente hostil, con una gran atmósfera acompañado de una muy buena producción de visuales y sonoro (Takeshi abo the goat). El hecho de que las decisiones moldean al mundo, nos invita a explorar las ramificaciones creadas nuestras acciones. Los personajes dejarán una impresión en ti, ya sea si los odies o los ames, cada quien tiene sus razones y propósitos de actuar, obligados a cumplir su rol de arquetipo para dar nacimiento a "SELF", quien unifica todo el mundo y entregará a nosotros, nuestra identidad hacia el juego.
La conclusión que saques de esta historia solo será tuya.
¿Es el jugador quien moldea al juego o es el juego quien moldea al jugador?
Puede que sea ambas.