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Muy cuqui, tiene un gameplay muy simple de plataformas y explorar por lo que es perfecto para alguien que tenga minima experiencia con videojuegos, o que le gusten mucho los gatos :3

This is just so silly.
The game is awesome showing a cool and soft art and jazz soundtrack when you are playing as a cat that explores the big city that feels very alive. It may have some bugs, bur overall, a great game.

I'm a simple man. I see cat, I give 5 stars. (Very cute and entertaining little game though, should definitely check it out).

Adorei, mesmo sendo curto e simples. Ao que se propõe a fazer, é excelente e bem engraçadinho. Após zerar, continuei jogando por alguns minutos pra poder encontrar as roupas extras.

No fim do jogo o mapa te dá a localização dos cosméticos o que é ótimo pra você não ficar procurando por muito tempo, mas ele só informava algumas coisas, não aonde as sidequests estavam, e como o mapa é relativamente grande e sua capacidade de movimentação não é tão grande assim, não quis ficar buscando, mas provavelmente seria um jogo rápido de fazer 100%.

Finito nei termini in cui si potrebbe considerare finito un sandbox totale, considerando che la vicenda principale (riportare il gatto a casa sua, in cima a un edificio) è un mero pretesto per svolgere decine di piccole missioni all'interno di un classico quartierino giapponese. Lo si potrebbe prendere come una sorta di b-side di Stray, se non fosse che non c'è nulla di quella cura produttiva. I requisiti di completamento poggiano interamente su richieste molto basiche e dubito che il viaggio valga il prezzo in termini di tempo, anche se soddisfare la curiosità di essere un gatto che si comporta come tale, ammettiamolo.. potrebbe essere inizialmente simpatico.

Fun concept but the game that is there leaves much to be desired. Love the way the cat controls and I hope they make a bigger and better sequel.

stray حبيته اكثر من

A nice little experience but I was expecting a little more. Was lucky not to run into any major glitch and was able to get all the achievements. Climbing is definitely a little buggy and it's easy to unintentionally jump off something when you're trying to climb

It wasn't bad but it could be better it was a bit buggy but over all good

Uns bugs bem minimos mas q se foda gatinho fofinho joguei com minha morgana lindinha 😭

muito bonitinho, mas é mais um desses jogos de "(insira animal aqui) sai pela cidade fazendo uma bagunça" em que você tem uma lista de tarefas pra completar. não é ruim, longe disso, mas também não faz nada novo, ele tenta ser tipo um untitled goose game misturado com stray.

vale a pena jogar pra se divertir já que ele é bem curtinho

It is not something I usually mention, but as an esteemed cultural commentator, I must warn you, fine folks, that the on-release price tag of this game is a twinge steep for what you're getting. The result is delightful, and if you care about supporting talented young indie studios, then I'm sure you'll spare no expense. But there's a reason even the hawks at Nintendo bundled Bowser's Fury with another game.

Fortunately, I already suffer the humiliation of dedicating 52 minutes of my monthly earnings to the Microsoft corporation's monopolisation of the industry, so I played this at no additional charge. Yippee!

Little Kitty Big City is part of a growing wave of 3D platformers embracing an 'open-world' level design ethos post A Short Hike. In retrospect, Hike is the most important platformer of the last decade. Unlike every other time people say 'open-world' in video games, I adore this approach. It's been directly responsible for the best 3D platformers of this decade and feels like the first real innovation the genre has made after Super Mario Galaxy (2). Extremely OK Games' first entry in the genre, its anniversary project Celeste 64 from earlier this year, again showed how successful this approach is. We're making entire games out of Banjo-Kazooie levels, and I couldn't be happier.

Little Kitty Big City isn't that. This is definitely not a Platformer's platformer in the way Penny's Big Breakway is. It isn't about crazy jumps and movement. It's a jungle gym where the fun comes from simply existing within the space. Those bright colours, that soothing jazzy soundtrack, the fun and handsomely cartooned animals and dialogue; this setting is an object of serenity, a hook with which to hang off the game's real appeal. You get to be a cat. For real, this time. Not naming any names.

Kitty, or 'Henry' as mine was eponymously anointed by game end (creative, I know), is a glorious thing to embody. This game (which, to be clear, was obviously made with three pennies and a copy of a 2014 issue of 'Pocket World' magazine) cuts many corners with NPC animation and general cleanliness of the movement (I clipped through the floor and hit the out-of-bounds reset plane at least twice) but the bells and whistles shine where it matters. The Shiba poking his head out of the bush. The way Kitty rubs its butt on the ground and chases its tail depending on how you move. The way you pounce and scurry up walls. It's oozing with charm and completely wonderful from beginning to end.

The city is chocked with a series of cat-appropriate platforming challenges and chores. None mindblowing, though never less than delightful. I'll concede this gets a little fetch-quest-y in ways you might find less enjoyable than I, but I was having so much fun within this space that I couldn't muster the cynicism necessary to get frustrated. If you, too, were weened on Lego Marvel Super Heroes, then you'll understand why this compels me so.

Mileage may vary, but this clunky little strawberry cupcake of a game really delighted me. I for one, am content with a game existing in such a narrow and unambitious place, so long as it is ready to admit that's what it is. It injects just the right amount of tenderness into every moment and is much more savvy than you might initially notice. I can't help but notice the care of offhandedly detailing exactly why there are puddles of water and no cars on the roads. I can't help but realise this is the best in-game justification for fast travel I've ever seen! I can't help but find headbutting into people and stealing their bagels really fun! When the credits roll, it's in unironic Comic Sans! They know exactly what they're making and are delighted to be offering it. I cannot wait to show my niece and nephew this; they will adore it.

Very cute. Very kitty. The controls are jank and there's a lot of collision issues. But cute and kitty.

What you need to know if you wanna play this game:

The good:

The bad:
- Going for 100% makes the game worse, because everything in the game is unique unless it held by a person. There's only like 60 out of the 100 required cans on the whole map that aren't held by people, so have fun waiting to trip people. Also to get people to photograph you requires meowing at them if they're not angry and they're not too happy AND sometimes they just can't photo you.
- Additionally, the platforming needs some work. I gave this the same score I gave A Short Hike (they both play very similar), but it's a fair gap between the silly sweet goofiness of this and the crisp clean savoury A Short Hike. Simply due to this having all the added niceties but none of the rock-solid fundamental gameplay, it made me like A Short Hike more (besides the world design, it's really good here for no reason).

If you like pets (of any variety, not just cats) definitely worth a shot. This game is gushing with charm and begging to be played before you watch a playthrough. But maybe wait till sale cause $36.50 AUD is twice as much as it's worth (I understand first game from the studio and it's a 3D 'open-world' adventure game, however chillax on your first game guys you're scaring me).

I really don't have much else to add given the funny cat game appeal is what the game is, your assumptions will almost definitely be right. Much better than Stray (I still think the cat should have been a small dexterous robot), but I'm still waiting for the cat game where you don't need to focus on completing missions.

Fun but short game. Not much to do but its a good way to kill some time. Mainly collecting stuff which even non completionists can 100% in a few hours.

(Finished main story and ~70% of side content)

First and foremost, this is a game overflowing with charm. Its starts right from the first cutscene, as the titular kitty slips off their windowsill perch and rube goldberg's their way all the way down into a trash can on the street. Then you immediately get to basic cat-ing, such as

- Stealing slippers
- Knocking pots off of ledges
- Knocking paint buckets over an artist's canvas

Soon enough you get to start meeting some of the game's charming cast of critters, from a crow thats the embodiment of the trade offer meme, and a chameleon thats terrible at hiding. Everyone you can talk to is charming in their own way, each with a uniquely silly personality. But as you go around collecting shinies for the crow, finding capsules with cute hats for the kitty to wear, and generally exploring the open city block you have access to, you'll quickly run into the game's biggest weakness: Platforming.

Platforming in this game is often janky and inconsistent. When trying to jump a gap, your kitty might instead drop down from the edge. When you try to jump up to a platform above you, one the same height as the last ledge you climbed, your kitty just can't make it unless you approach it just the right way. Sometimes when making those jumps, the game might interpret your landing as wanting to slide down the wall. While some of this is a matter of execution, I do think this game should have taken an approach more similar to Stray, another cat adventure game.

Little Kitty, Big City is a game definitely pushing against its budget, which can sometimes be rather obvious. But the platforming issues and little bugs are never frustrating enough to ruin the overall experience. The game's charm ultimately succeeds in delivering a fun, kitty exploration adventure.

meio bugado e curto, mas dá pra tirar uma graça

Pretty boring because it's not orange cat experiences

This was a really charming little game, definitely gave off strong Untitled Goose Game vibes but was it's own thing as well. You play as a Kitty in a little city open world where you run around causing some light mischief in order to get back home. The controls/physics can be a bit wonky at times but it works pretty well for what they were going for. It is fun to solve the little puzzles and wander around the city collecting items and talking with the other animals, and of course climbing up on things (and smashing things, as cats love to do). Very worth the little time investment, I stayed longer to do all the main tasks and clean up some of the bonus objectives, a few of them were a bit too tedious for me though.

La verdad, es de esta clase de juegos que me encantan: esteticamente bonitos, con un gameplay pulido y simple, mecanicas bien pensadas e implementadas y una historia simple que logra de sobremanera sincronizarse con las vibras cutesy que presenta como fachada. No es lo que consideraria una gema del medio, pero es bastante disfrutable, en especial a cuentas del tiempo que tardas en terminarlo.

a cute little game, i just expected a bit more for the price it is...

The game's various bugs start to be shown in full force when going for all achievements sadly as some are made more difficult to get/flatout impossible on your save due to glitches. Luckily I managed to fix two of the worst ones but not after 30+ minutes each of pulling out my hair.

Little Kitty Big City Review

Little Kitty Big City hit my radar simply because it's a cat. Yep that's all there is to it. The charming little puffy wuffy and the lighthearted premise suggested I probably wasn't going to experience a game like Stray, which is a way more serious adventure. Same baseline premise of course, but instead of fighting for your life and watching a poor kitty struggle to make it back home, you goof around and make friends for the majority of the playtime here which is a treat.

You play as a lost kitty in a big city of course, navigating through trying to make it back to your home. The actual gameplay though revolves around exploration first, with an emphasis on limited environmental interaction doing small things that a cat would do, like laying down in spots, breaking things, causing havoc, getting pets and collecting shinies and hats. I do say collecting shinies but this is not really a collectathon, shinies are basically just currency to purchase more hats, there isn't much for actual collectables unless you wanna see just how many things they can plop on a cats head.

This is also an open-world designed game with a map, but even when looking at the map the world was still kind of frustrating to navigate with the city being very vertical and the cat not being as agile as you may think, only being able to jump less than a foot high. Also with the map its not very detailed and it continually reset my orientation upon opening and closing it so it was not really easy to figure out my direction.

While exploration is the primary focus, Little Kitty Big City also offers a layer of light interaction with the city's animal inhabitants. Players encounter a lot more puffies who act as the primary questgivers. These quests range from "go over there" and "go over there and come back". Not much interaction in most of these quests aside from the quirky dialogue options, but none of them affect anything of course. Even while being very limited and sparse spread out on the map these interactions contribute to the game's charm. It's not a complex narrative at all, it's as simple as it gets, but the dialogue is fun and upbeat so I still enjoyed it.

The game does excel at capturing the essence of a cat though, I'd say almost even more so than Stray at times. Movement animations feel remarkably natural and dont feel weird at all. Whether it's the way your kitty navigates tight spaces or the swats at dangling objects, or even when picking up shinies, he does a little bounce, the attention to detail is there and I love it.

This game isn't without its shortcomings though. The controls can feel a bit clunky at times, sometimes you just don't jump as far as your marker says that you will, sometimes you just fall off of things, get stuck on things, I also got stuck in a wall a few times as well, and during things like climbing it never felt truly polished in certain sections. Speaking of climbing I would much rather have interesting parkour sections instead of resorting to the same generic slow climbing sections on ONLY certain textures. Having freedom is key in an exploration game like this and I didn't feel like I had any because there is only a single way to get to each area and there is little room for making your own path. This sticks out hard especially since this is an exploration platformer starring one of the most agile animals there are, and I can't really do anything interesting besides go the single intended path to the roof of a building. Additionally, the quest design, while charming with its starting dialogue, can become repetitive after extended play sessions which also sticks out pretty bad because there is probably less than 10 sidequests in the entire game.

Overall, Little Kitty Big City is pretty fun exploring a big city with a little kitty. The openworld design is limited but does have things to discover. The interactions with the other animals, while there not being many of them, were all charming. While the game might not offer a complex narrative or groundbreaking gameplay, it does well at providing a relaxing and engaging short experience that is great for it's length. I would compare this to stray simply because of it's premise but it's actually way more similar to Untitled Goose Game, but I feel like both of those games are a bit more polished and complete.

Little Kitty Big City is good for players who want to just turn their brain off and run around with no stakes for a bit and collect shiny things. Maybe you just played a super serious game before and want a break, well then this is perfect for you.

Also; Cat lovers.. play it.

Similar Games:
Untitled Goose Game

What a pleasant and relaxing little adventure.

Little Kitty, Big City is probably the sort of game Stray (2022) should’ve been, as you much more distinctly feel like a cat with all the whimsy that entails, rather than a voiceless avatar for an unoriginal dystopia narrative. It doesn’t quite have the loveable charm and challenge of Untitled Goose Game (2019) but they clearly have been inspired by its success.

This game could easily have been released many years ago in the 64 bit era as it does nothing that hasn’t been a staple of 3D adventure games ever since. However, what it does do - it manages to do well and with a sort of irreverent joy you sometimes need in your life.

The only challenging thing here is the occasionally clunky camera and the sometimes inaccurate jumping mechanic. You enter our feline friend’s home city full of the joys and happy to discover the colourful urban maze and all the characters within it. When you do discover a new area or solve a vertical puzzle you experience a sense of simple satisfaction that used to be the bread and butter of adventure games, before it was decided poorly written dialogue was more important.

Having played a series of overhyped and overproduced let downs recently I was more than happy to sit back and collect some hats whilst being lectured to about riddles by a chameleon in a cartoon Japanese city.

Sometimes in life it’s exactly what you need.

This is a very very cute game with a lovely art style, though it got a little dull rather quickly especially with the fairly janky controls (not unplayable but a bit frustrating at times)

Honestly I think next time I’ll just play Stray or Untitled Goose Game since this one is trying very much to be those two games but doesn’t have quite as much polish

Incredibly cute. I really love the little slice of urban Japan they've created. Tons of little details. The people who made this really love cats (and dogs and birds and...)

Excelente jogo para passar o tempo.

Great game to sit down and relax with, especially if you're a big fan of cats. The game is a little buggy at times as I've clipped out of the map a few times and other instances, but nothing that hinders the actual game. Overall, it was good.