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Very much style over substance. I greatly enjoyed what I played of it (9 hours) but it has so little variety to make you want to play more runs it ruins it for me. I enjoy the character dialogue, but it's drip-fed so slowly that it doesn't hold my interest. I think it's well worth it if you go into it not expecting to play a lot though. You might or you might not. I feel like if I make myself play it longer, it will sour my experience and I will rate it lower.

2D Mario games to me always feel like the blandest platformers on the market. They never have anything specific to them like other 2D platformers do that set them apart. The closest thing is powerups to go through levels quickly, but you need to know the levels well enough to use them without losing them fast. Which means you liked the game enough to memorize the maps. And most of the time the enemies and the map design in this game specifically don't even seem to be designed around the player using them.

Other platformer characters have their gimmick that always stays. And the levels are designed around that most of the time. Such as Sonic and the maps being designed around him going fast for instance. 2D Mario has the basic formula all platformers do and nothing else.

If I could summarize this in one word, it's "bland". It's not bad or anything but it's the equivalent of eating a slice of white bread with nothing on it. I struggle to understand how this game has such raving reviews on Steam (97-98% positive)