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7 days ago

7 days ago

LobbyDob reviewed Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues
I've realised I don't actually have all that much to say about Old World Blues - the third of the four main Fallout: New Vegas DLCs. The sandbox of Big MT feels like a very Fallout: New Vegas kinda take on Bethesda Fallout world design. It's (literally) artificial and kinda shallow, but there's a constant focus on shootin' and lootin' that's pretty fun when combined with some of the zany antics you get in this DLC. I especially liked the stealth suit infiltration missions sidequest, it felt like a unique challenge.

The problem is that outside of the Courier having a (not-so) pleasant conversation with their own brain, the story of Old World Blues, like Honest Hearts before it, feels pretty inconsequential. I respect the campy 50's sci-fi vibes they're going for here, but the comedy is just too zany for its own good, especially when towards the end this DLC is trying to communicate to the player an actually serious message about over-attachment to the past, which is watered down by the "reddit humor".

Also, the conversation with the scientists at the start is literally 4 times longer than it has any right to be and drains my will to live.

14 days ago

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