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I hate card games, I absolutely find them boring and don't wanna learn the optimal rules for everything, even so, Inscryption was really fun, at least it's Act 1.

Act 2 is where I immediately lost all interest and it just felt like a different game and I just wasn't in the mood for continuing it, then I find out Act 3 does a similar thing where the game changes completely again.

Inscryption is a good game and I may come back to it at some point but for now, ta ta bye. Act 1 could be a game on it's own, so can Act 2 and Act 3. They packed it all into one so there's a lot of value for your money.

I just can't be bothered to continue it past Act 1 at the moment. It is laziness? probably, but yeah, I'll pick it up again someday... maybe... nah...

2D Dark Souls, play it.

I'm going to spend the next few weeks watching lore videos for this because the setting is so evocative, interesting, subdued, and awe-inspiring, but not for one second did I feel like I was following the plot/story.

The music was kinda forgetable, it wasn't bad but nothing stood out to me, however, the songs did fit the vibe and the composition and sound design are amazing, it just wasn't stellar.

I only did Endings A and B, Ending C seems to be the most cannon one but I don't wanna replay the entire game cuz I fucked up in one place, maybe I could ascend and speedrun but nahhhh, I died a lot more to random pits and environmental hazards compared to enemies or bosses.

It's a fun game, however, I would've liked more freedom of movement like double jumps and shit but this is supposed to be Dark Souls not Mario Party so I can deal with the decision to not get them.

Fun game, but would hate to start over cuz I hate travelling 300 kilometers to get to the fast travel hand which just shorterns my 600 kilometer extended walk to 200 kilometers which is still a lot.

Finally, Amnesia is scary again.

I felt real tension and anxiety during my playthrough, especially cuz I somehow ended up playing on Hard Mode. The mechanics play very well together with the focus on minimizing noise, taking time, and utilizing resources properly, all the while being on the run from a monster that would like to do nothing more than rip you apart.

This game was very reminiscent of Alien: Isolation which I love and I believe it is also one of the most replayable Amnesia games. Even the final encounter with the monster is randomized so you don't just brute force a strategy.

The endings are kinda lackluster and all feel the same, unfortunately. The previous instalments had more weight behind your choices and what ending you picked but Bunker wasn't too story-heavy so this is OK.

However, like with all horror games. Once you figure them out it stops being that scary and ends up being more frustrating and a wait game. The monster itself is pretty goofy so it's kinda funny to fuck around with him (even though the reality and origin of the monster is tragic and sad). I wish there was more variety or moods of the monster. The more unpredictable he would be, the scarier it would've been. You kinda just figure him out towards the end and have plenty of resources to deal with him without breaking a sweat.

The atmosphere was pretty scary, I kinda wish it had more fantasy elements but we had plenty of those in previous games so it's fine I guess. The Bunker can be very daunting at times, especially when the lights are out and the emergency red lights are on. The flickering is also a neat addition to the monster being near.

Overall it was a decent game but the monster could've been scarier and more complex, resources could've been more limited depending on the difficulty (even on hard mode there wasn't a lack of resources), endings could've had more weight to them and been more different than slightly varying, story and plot could've been more complex and engaging, but alas, 4/5, pretty decent. Hope the next one is better.