I try to play video games and I fail miserably
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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Jun 07


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God Hand
God Hand

May 27

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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Persona 3 Reload

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Nothing quite like the Edgy Sequel to continue a franchise. I always quite liked Sands of Time and all its mystical vibes, so Warrior Within was always going to be a jarring direction, but honestly? I think it works pretty well. The story isn't quite as good as SoT, but it's still very solid, continuing off from SoT as the Prince tries to stop Fate from claiming his life, which I think is a perfect premise for a sequel. This whole ordeal has made the Prince far more grim and angry, much like the tone of WW, and it really does work. The gameplay is much more combat oriented this time around, which brings me to the main crux of Warrior Within; the difficulty. This game is hard, like I tried to beat this twice before this playthrough and I gave up Hard. It can get easier as you progress through it, but there are plenty of bits that just seem unfair and punishing for no real reason. I will say that the parkour, outside of a few sections, feels remarkably smooth, much more so than Ubisoft's next attempt Assassin's Creed's parkour feels. The soundtrack is much more hard rock, which again is a welcome change considering the new tone, and I'm not gonna complain about Godsmack being in here either. I think the shining star for Warrior Within is the Dahaka, both as a narrative device and an amazing pursuer enemy, I would say he stands up with the greats like Mr. X and Nemesis. Overall, Warrior Within may not be as strong as Sands of Time, but it definitely has it's own charms to make it a strong entry in the Prince of Persia franchise

Signalis has been stuck in my backlog hell for awhile now, and despite having a longing interest in it, I could never work up the courage to actually sit down and play through it, until recently, where my interest won out over my fear. It's very clear what games inspired Signalis' brand of horror, with vibes very reminiscent of classsic Resident Evil and Silent Hill, and yet it's still able to deliver its own fresh take. I couldn't sum up the story in my review, as its far too in-depth and nuanced for me to even attempt it, but it really is quite interesting, and fully worth reading into even more once you've finished the game. The best part of Signalis is the pure dread of being alone in the unknown, a vibe that never truly leaves despite the run ins with both monsters and other characters every now and again. Tragically, I do find that some of the systems in place aren't implented as well as I'd like, such as the limited inventory not exactly feeling as balanced as it would in say Resident Evil, with I feel too many items being thrown at me at once, and save rooms being a bit too far from each other. I'm also not as huge on the enemy variety, with the exception of two, they mostly all feel a bit same-y for my liking. Despite some flaws, Signalis was quite a worthwhile experience, and is worth a shot if you're looking for some solid horror.

The fact we lost the chance to have Gene God Hand in a Marvel vs Capcom game is absolutely criminal. There is a lot I can say about God Hand but honestly this is a game where you really need to see to believe. Is it ballbustingly hard? Sure, but thats the true fun of it, its been quite awhile since I've felt this rewarded for getting better at a game's combat system. Everything flows quite nicely for the most part, a couple difficulty spikes withstanding, and the freedom you get for creating your own strings is a ton of fun. God Hand also has one of the most enjoyable Capcom OSTs to date, and that is one hell of a catalogue to be put up against.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry, but most of all, you'll dragon kick someone's ass into the Milky Way (milky wayyyy)