Italy || There's a lesson to learn behind every bad or good gaming experience, whether it changes your perspective about how you look at something or when it leaves you thinking about how you shouldn't have bought certain titles
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I hate you. You promised the best campaign ever and you threw everything in the trash for this, my favourite gaming universe has been ruined forever

If you are reading this review is because I managed to learn English just to watch YT content creators and fan animations about this game when I was 11, as Italians didn't care to make videos or play it at a good level.
Yes, I did watch Twomad, Xqc and Muselk, now I am capable of understanding anything

Sad to see the reputation its sequel has given to the first one, to the point where I get clowned if I mention the fact that I clocked about 500 hours in this game

The art direction was INCREDIBLE, they based the entire astory around the final Splatoon 2's Splatfest so that it was decided by players, it blew my mind

Can't wait for more single player Splatoon campaigns and soundtracks, they have been killing it since 2015