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The potential this game had was wasted because of the terribad administration of every single server in the planet.

This game was extremely visionary for it's time with the agency it gave players to influence and harness the world. The race war dynamic is extremely fun and the elections for race leader brings a novel and pretty cool experience that was normally informal in other MMOs. Each race having an unique and engaging mechanic (mechs for the lil guys, gigantic arm-mounted artillery for the robots, and summon spirits for the elves) was also neat.

The economics of the Chip War and the resource distribution along participants was interesting, and playing the markets to fuel the war machine while profiting could be a game in itself - if not for the rampant duping and cheating.

Enourmous potential squandered - and I doubt that even in the remote possibility RF2 actually releases this potential would be realized.

No amount of video-essays, sob stories and collective gaslighting can make this turd shine. It's a bad and boring game at it's core and no amount of polish can make this become good.

This feels like menial labor I paid to do.

The biggest problem of the game, by far, was managing expectations at launch. Second biggest problem was bandwagoning by illiterate troglodites bashing the game for absolutely unfair reasons (and the famous troglodites, for clout)

The game is beautiful, the world is well built (upon good foundations, that is true), the gameplay loop is fun and immersing and, especially after the updates, the mechanics are top notch.

However, CDPR sold a "true RPG" with more choices both in gameplay, character creation and story. This is an RPG-esque action shooter. The best by far, but still not what was sold.

If you went in with the right mindset, this is probably one of the best titles released in recent history and a damn good platform for future iterations.

The story is good, with the cyberpunk aspects well ingrained in a story that isn't necessarily philosophical or political (as that would suck donkey balls) but discusses the man-machine dichotomy pretty well.

Graphics/performance-wise, the limitation is your rig. I have a pretty modest PC and had no major issues - only really minor glitches that were a minuscule annoyance at best. Some people got unlucky, some people tried to play this on a toaster and some were even stupider and believed this would run on Sony's shit hardware. The game isn't worse for it.

DLC was extremely good and deserves praise. The new ending, in fact, complements the message of the game beautifully and puts a new perspective on all the bluster and bombast of the main story.

I hope the launch was a learning experience for CDPR and Orion comes out with all the kinks smoothed over already.