Game design major with bad opinions and even badder skin
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Absolutely incredible. I was starting to get skeptical of Dunkey's incessant praise of this game, you know, it's a YouTuber making a game publisher, it's their first game, it's gotta do well or he's in deep shit, etc., but no, it's actually that good. It's got a delightfully ominous atmosphere and some of the most deviously well-designed puzzles I've ever seen. The game has a very classic Nintendo-like feel to the puzzle design and overall gameplay, it feels a lot like a Zelda or Metroid game in those microscopic, subtle ways that most devs (understandably) fail to capture, and it even pushes far beyond that level with the endgame puzzles and secrets. It might be a little too cryptic at times, some of the main collectibles are really hard to find without some kind of walkthrough and the minimap doesn't do much to help, I will never complete the ultra-late game puzzles with the rabbits, and backtracking/secret hunting can get kind of tedious without finding certain items/secrets, but the overall quality is too strong for these issues to matter all that much.

Absolutely fantastic. Crack cocaine in video game form. It's hard to even explain what makes this game so fun, it's just so hypnotic and addicting. Watching all the crazy items and effects compound on each other and exponentially build your score while the sound effects keep rising in pitch and the fantastic interface design dances and shakes and wiggles...god it feels so good. Like I've laughed out loud at this game on multiple occasions because of how completely ridiculous it can be. It's a true roguelike too, each run is wildly different and leads to you themeng your builds around random, tiny aspects of the game (clubs, two pair, even numbers, tarot cards, etc.) It's hard as balls and it's got a lot of stuff to unlock, so it'll keep you (and me) busy for a long time, which I definitely needed. Keep in mind, I'm someone whose eyes immdiately glaze over at the mention of a deckbuilder game, and I had this praise to levy at this game.

That being said, there are a few minor grievances I have. RNG has a tendency to screw you over, which isn't out of character for a poker game or a roguelike and it's something I wouldn't ordinarily complain about, but it gets particularly annoying with the boss fights, who can sometimes completely invalidate your entire build with no real means of counterplay, which has killed many a run of mine. The game only has one music track, which, while phenomenal, can tend to drive you mad after several hours of playtime. And, while the user experience is generally phenomenal, I am outright BEGGING, PLEADING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES, for the developer to add another method for selecting cards, like the drag box on a computer desktop. I don't have arthritis or carpal tunnel but even my finger starts to hurt from mashing the left mouse button to select my hands, so I can't imagine what it must feel like for people with weaker joints.

Overall an incredible game with only a few small issues that I can recommend to anyone, even people who hate card games.

I really wanted to like this game, I've been eagerly anticipating its release ever since I saw it on Twitter, but man, I was kinda let down with this one. The game requires precise platforming while simultaneously having floaty, sluggish, unresponsive controls (the dev said they took influence from Melee so that checks out), the combat is confusing and unenjoyable, and it features that thing that old shitty NES platformers loved to do where when you get hit you get knocked back and stunned, leading to you falling all the way back down to the bottom of whatever platforming section you were doing, and because being one of the worst platformer design tropes of all time wasn't enough you also have to do a Smash-style landing tech in order to get up with any semblance of expediency which is just...GREAT for the gamefeel.

I imagine the game gets more bearable further on, it's a Metroidvania after all, and it's got a funny premise/vibe(?) but man, this was a huge disappointment.