Reviews from

in the past

Some of the most fun I’ve had with co op in quite a while. Occasionally frustrating with the ever changing meta but I think there’s something really special here.

Great fun with friends. However got very stale after 85hrs. Needs better content distribution than just drip feeding 1 strat or mission type at a time.

Pretty fun with friends, like most “bro buy this game we’ll play for so many hours games” it falls off quickly


wish my pc would run this better
fun game to come back to

Repeatedly running around and shooting things while completing basic missions doesn't satisfy my bitter soul like it once did and playing games with friends isn't really a viable option at my big age so idk pretty decent game imo probably would recommend at a discount

Helldivers 2 genuinely feels like a breath of fresh air in a genre that has been dead in the water for a seriously long time. Shooters now have a gold standard to meet but this doesn’t mean this game is perfect by any means. Some enemies just suck to fight and the continual progression model makes things feel not-so-rewarding when having completed an operation on the highest difficulty only to find that you lose the planet the next day anyway.

When more content gets added, this game will likely become generational but until then, the game’s hype has been rightfully expressed but they’ll need to recapture it when they reach their final vision for the game.

great game for sure but can get repetitive. ost is good though

Um dos melhores do gênero de jogos onde você dropa com outros 3 fudidos num buraco e reza pra voltar vivo.

A temática de Starship Troopers é bastante divertida pra fazer roleplay com os amigos em call, os devs tão mais interessados em fazer uma experiência interessante que farmar a carteira do jogador e o jogo tem coisa o suficiente pra toda missão ser diversa e não ter um meta rigido que os jogadores se forçam a seguir.

A única crítica é que updates substanciais demoram a vir. Até hoje tem bugs de meses atrás, tipo um que não deixa meu amigo entrar na minha sala e um exploit que deixa o jogador ficar com granadas infinitas.

Guys I’m sorry but maybe I’m missing something. I think this game looks and feels fantastic, and I think that the uber-patriotic spin is hilarious.

But…that’s kind of it for me? The gameplay is just landing on randomly generated planets to do the same boring randomly generated missions over and over again. There’s 2 enemy types and neither feel very engaging apart from shooting at weak spots sometimes. Hell, most of the community only likes fighting ONE of these 2 enemy types.

I tend to find shooters boring, especially ones without a story, but I find it hard to see how so many people find this engaging. Killing my friends accidentally was fun for the first 30 minutes or so but after that shooting bullet sponges to complete my AI generated missions grew monotonous.

I can’t say this is a BAD game, but it’s totally not for me, and hey that’s OK, I’m glad so many others enjoy this. I just wish I saw even half of what they see.

Honestly if you asked me as a little 10 year old kid what kind of game I would want to play with my brothers for hours on end, this is probably pretty much what I would have described. For better and worse.

The rise and the community of this game in the span of only a few months needs to be studied, enough said: "Spread some liberTEA divers!"

Jogo coop muito bom, acredito que não vale o preço cheio, mas aparecendo em uma promoção vale a pena de mais

Satisfying, no bs, short & sweet gameplay-per-session. Often requires split-second decision making. Easily sinkable hours, but gets to dead end when reached highest difficulty. Gotten very good at the game but rooms for improvements remains.

Remaining reasons to play:
- New contents
- Solo complete highest difficulty

it's not that good shut the fuck up

pretty damn well designed and fun. it just needs a better progression system and more than 4 max players

Helldivers 2 está sin mucho esfuerzo en la cima del juego como servicio. Personalmente nunca he sido un gran admirador de este modelo de videojuego, lo cual me pone difícil valorar positivamente lo que este juego pone sobre la mesa.

Mis motivos siempre han sido los mismos y se aplican a este juego como a cualquier otro juego como servicio: la incesante repetición y la falta de contenido conceptual en el arco general que dibuja su narrativa. Este juego cumple el primer aspecto completamente, porque da igual la cantidad distinta de armas que te den para matar algo, siguen siendo las mismas armas, sigue siendo el mismo proceso maquinal, adictivo, irracional.

Sin embargo, en el segundo aspecto es en el que Helldivers 2 supera al resto del género: una narrativa común a una comunidad entera, construida por ellos, y que da un contexto especial y único a la actividad del juego, uno cargado de significado y sátira política (claramente inspirado en el mundo de Starship Troopers). Esto es algo que, normalmente, me daría para un análisis racional de lo que expresa e implica, pero la realidad es que, más allá de ser un contexto, el arco global de los eventos es la excusa, el motor ideológico para reproducir el aspecto jugable de un sistema que sigue estando roto y que no tiene nada más que ofrecer que una montaña de pasta a los productores. No tiene sentido ensalzar un segmento del juego si su fin es reproducir el mismo error que el resto de juegos como servicio: la repetición indefinida de un sistema dado para el beneficio.

A esto hay que añadirle que, pese a los esfuerzos contínuos de Arrowhead por mantener el juego arreglado, este está completamente lleno de errores de programación que, en más ocasiones de las aceptables, sencillamente rompen el juego. Es algo natural tratándose de una desarrolladora más pequeña a lo que estamos acostumbrados en el juego como servicio, pero es imposible obviarlo.

Me lo he pasado bien jugando a este juego? Sí, pero si los juegos solo fueran eso no jugaría a videojuegos.

Hell Divers 2 is a Fun game I would recommend playing. the gameplay is great and killing bugs and robots with the bois is awesome.
Arrowhead Game Studios did an amazing job with this game all around

However, I would advise caution. (this is more so a rant against Sony, not the game)
I won't sugarcoat Sony's decisions that nearly killed this entire game.
I am glad Sony decided to go back on the decision to force people to sign in with PSN, however, the fact that Sony did this in the first place shows that Sony honestly does not care about the people who bought this game and play it. only about keeping their investors happy. I want to think Sony learned a lesson with the whole forced PSN thing, but honestly, I don't think they have. In my opinion, Sony has become just as bad as EA and Ubisoft. Unfortunately, Arrowhead got a lot of undeserved heat for something they were forced to do by Sony. Yes, I'm aware Arrowhead could have handled the situation a lot better but they were under a lot of stress by both Sony and its Community I don't necessarily blame them. moving forward though I will advise against purchasing any other Sony published game till they have shown they do truly care about its community.
What can Sony do to regain gamers trust?
1. never make a Sony published title on PC be forced to use a PSN account again.
2. quit holding this and other games by the balls and allow them to be released on other consoles such as Xbox. It is honestly just holding back this game's potential.
3. listen to both its game studios and the communities that surround them more. they clearly seem to be more in tune with what to do than they are at this point.
4. Let the other 170 something countries play the game again. we Dive together.

overall though I would recommend playing Hell Divers 2 because Sony seems to have listened this time and I really do enjoy this game.

Lots of fun but also gets pretty stale after awhile.

I haven't played Helldivers 2 a ton because I'm largely an enjoyer of single player games, but its a lot of fun, especially with friends. It's clearly well made and Arrowhead is very smart about laying out its content. I look forward to revisiting this when I'm in the mood to be social with others and save democracy and all that.

Good multiplayer got a bit repetitive

The game is fun with friends but gets repetitive because you do the same missions. Still fun to revisit though.

Was fun the first 10 runs or so then became incredibly repetitive and boring. Helldive missions were fun until they became frustrating. Played with friends, too. Everyone thought the same. I kinda regret spending 10 dollars on the premium pass, too

Good fun with friends but despite the internet hype this game gets stale fast.

Helldivers 2 is fantastic example of what a live service game should be. Arrowhead studios have pulled off a amazing job at including everyone and making the game world feel so really. Gameplay is next to none going from mission to mission and linking up with other divers is simple. The score when diving his epic and makes every dive more and more intense.


Super Earth. Our Home. Prosperity. Liberty. Democracy. Our way of life. But freedom doesn't come free.

Spoiler cutscene

Look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy, right now! You could be next. That is unless you make the most important decision of your life.

Prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free. Join... the Helldivers.

Become part of an elite peacekeeping force! See exotic new lifeforms. And spread Managed Democracy throughout the galaxy.

Become a Hero. Become a Legend. Become a Helldiver!

It is a great game I enjoyed it but it make me super stressed and if you stop playing a couple of days you'll lose some events.