A Pixel Story

A Pixel Story

released on Mar 30, 2015

A Pixel Story

released on Mar 30, 2015

A Pixel Story is a devious 2D puzzle platformer that charts the evolution of video games. You must use your Magical Teleportation Hat to explore 6 increasingly detailed zones on your quest to reach the core of The System to stop the evil OS and save the world.

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Very cute puzzle platformer. The platforming itself needs some getting used to, as the air controls and momentum physics are quite unique.
I like what they did with the story and how the game becomes more "modern" (no spoilers) as you advance the plot.

The Challenge Room death run, consisting of all challenge rooms back to back with five lives each, was no joke to complete, but really fun to go for.

Started with so much promise, and quickly became infuriating to play. I don't know why they made their game so (purposefully?) generic-looking, if they wanted to make a game so difficult and full of dialogue.
Credit where it's due, though; the game was pretty, for the amount we saw, and the rhythm game we found made us smile.