About Backloggd

Backloggd is a place to keep your personal video game collection. Every game from every platform is here for you to log into your journal. Follow friends along the way to share your reviews and compare ratings. Then use filters to sort through your collection and see what matters to you. Keep a backlog of what you are currently playing and what you want to play, see the numbers change as you continue to log your playthroughs. There's Goodreads for books, Letterboxd for movies, and now Backloggd for games.


What's the cost?

There is no cost! Browsing the site is free, creating an account is free, and all current features are completely free! The only form of paid content is under the very optional Backer status you can receive for supporting the site on Patreon. This will grant you a special badge and showcase your profile on the backers page!

How do I add a favorite game?

Go to your profile settings and click on one of the empty tiles. A search bar will appear, type in your desired game and select it from the dropdown list!

Can I move / remove the favorites crown?

Yes! Simply go to profile settings and toggle the crown icon for the game you want to showcase. Alternatively toggle it off completely. The choice is yours!

What does following users do?

Following another user allows you to see their activity from your homepage based on games they mark as finished. There are also friend-specific sections and filters on certain pages to help you find their ratings/reviews first! You can view your followers and who you're following from your profile's friends section.

What are the formatting rules?

You can apply markdown formatting to many text fields such as reviews, comments, your profile bio, list descriptions, list entries, and play session notes. Here you can use these rules to apply the markdown:
*Mario*               Mario
**Zelda**            Zelda
_Master Chief_  Master Chief
~~Sonic~~       Sonic
[Title](url)           Title*
* Additionally any links pasted directly in will automatically become clickable

My URL isn't formatting correctly, what's wrong?

There are current limitations where the title portion can't contain a ] symbol and the url portion cannot contain a ) symbol. Please remove those, if present, for the formatter to pick up your URL. If it's still not working, please reach out for support.

Can I mention other users?

Yes, comments support user mentions. To mention another user append the @ symbol before typing their username, this will send them a notification of your comment.

Can anyone mention me in a comment?

By default, yes. Although you can change this in your notification settings.

Is there a mobile app?

Not at this time. Although the mobile-version of the website has been optimized to work on mobile screen sizes.

Where can I submit feedback or feature requests?

First check out the roadmap page to see if your idea is there. If not feel free to send it in via contact form or through the dedicated Discord channel we have specifically for feature requests. I look foward to hearing more!



Logs - Each log represents a single playthrough of a game. You can have multiple logs and each log can have its own rating, review, platform, medium, etc..
Journal - The calendar view where you can mark individual days you played a game. Each log has its own journal.
Play Session - The group of days you mark in the journal.
Game Status - Data that is game-specific, versus log-specific game.
Game Statuses - The Played, Playing, Backlog, and Wishlist toggles for each game.
Played Statuses - The Played, Completed, Abandoned, Retired, and Shelved options for the Played log status.
Library Entries - A way to track your different ownerships of a game.

What does backlog mean?

Backlog is meant for games in which you own or have access to but have not started playing yet.

Can I review a game multiple times?

Yes! You can do this by creating a new log for a game. You can do this either from the game's page by selecting 'Log of review again' or from the log editor where you can select 'Switch Log', then 'Create new log' at the top right of the popup modal.

How are multiple ratings counted towards a game's average?

You may have multiple logs with different ratings, but only a single one will be representive of your rating for that game. This rating is independent of any log but is set to your most recent log by default. This Game Status rating is what is shown on the game's page.

Platform, played on platform, and library platform — what's the difference?

The platform field just labeled 'Platform' represents the release platform you played. This is strictly tied to platforms the game released on. Played on platform can be anything and is meant to cover cases where you physically played on platform X but the release version is Y. This will be most common for cases such as emulation and ports. Then library platform is meant for platforms in which you own and are restricted to release platforms only.

How do Play Session tags work?

You can create up to 8 tags per play session. These tags will then be displayed on your journal page and on your logs page. You can also filter by a tag on your journal by clicking on one of them.

How do I delete a log?

You can delete any log for a specific game by going to your logs page. You can get to this page by hovering on a game cover, hovering the '...' option, then clicking 'View Logs'. You can also access it from the game's page, then clicking 'View your logs' on the left side.


How do I change my email?

Go to your Settings, then Account. Just type your new email in the email field, fill in your current password and hit Save Changes. Keep in mind, this will require you to verify your new email.

I can't find my verification email!

No worries! First be sure to check your spam folder, as it's always possible to have ended up there. Next make sure you put in the correct email by going under Settings, then Account. You can change it here if it's incorrect. If you're still having trouble, feel free to contact us here!

I want to deactivate my account.

You can disable your account by going to Settings, selecting Account, then 'Deactivate account'. This won't delete your data but instead make you completely invisble on the site and prevent you from logging in. You'll receive a confirmation email of your deactivation along with a reactivation link if you change your mind. NOTE: your username will no longer be guaranteed while your account is deactivated.

I want to reactivate my account.

If you later change your mind and haven't requested a deletion, use the link provided in your deactivation confirmation email to reactivate. If you don't have the email, reach out via the contact form and we can get your account back online within 7 days. You'll receive a notification email once ready.

I want to permanently delete my account.

To permanently delete your account along all your information from our database, go to Settings, Account, then select 'Permanently Delete Account', enter your password, and confirm deletion. After deletion is complete, there will be no way to recover your information so be mindful before doing this.

My account is already deactivated but now I want to delete it.

You can either reactivate your account and follow the steps above for deletion, or reach out to us via the contact form and we'll get back to you within 7 days to confirm account deletion.


What is a Backer?

A Backer is someone who is supporting the site on Patreon! Anyone can become a Backer for a monthly price of $3 and in return will recieve exclusive perks and benefits.

What are the benefits of becoming a Backer?

If my eternal graditude for helping keep the site afloat isn't enough, you'll also get things like an ad-free experience, a badge next to your name, access to your all-time stats page, and more! Check out the Backers page for more information.

I'm a Backer on Patreon, how do I recieve my perks?

Go to your account settings to link your Patreon account to your Backloggd account. Once done you should see your account's status along with the perks you're receiving. If you have still not recieved your benefits after that, please reach out via contact form, Patreon, Discord, or Twitter!

Why aren't my all-time stats updating?

Stats refresh twice a day at noon and midnight, Eastern Time.

How are series tracked?

The 'Series Progress' section only counts mainline and standalone-expansions as progress. Additionally marking a remake, remaster, or port as played will automatically count towards your progress even if you don’t have the mainline title logged.


How can I block someone?

You can block any user by going to their profile and looking for the 'Report / Block' button at the bottom of the left sidebar, selecting 'Block', and then confirming. You can also block someone by going to a review / comment they've posted and selecting the Flag icon.

What does blocking do?

Blocking a user does a few things. First it removes any relationships between the two users, removes notifications sent by the blocked user, it hides reviews from the blocked user on most pages, it hides comments from the blocked user, and it hides any activities of the blocked user when signed in. Then it also prevents both users from following each other, liking each others' content, commenting on each others' content, and mentioning each other in comments.

How can I unblock someone?

You can view all users you've blocked and unblocking any by going to your Settings page, then to 'Blocked Users'. From here you can unblock anyone who you've previously blocked and all blocked effects will be lifted.

What happens to the reports I created?

Each and every report is reviewed manually by our site moderation team. Based on the report and the content being reported, we may take action on the user or their content if we find it's violating our terms of service. At this time there is no way to tell if your report has been resolved but please know we consider each report seriously.

Last Updated: 04/19/2024