Aery: Calm Mind

Aery: Calm Mind

released on May 26, 2021

Aery: Calm Mind

released on May 26, 2021

Aery: Calm Mind is an interactive game experience that is designed to relax your mind and soul. You jump into the role of a little bird, explore beautiful landscapes and collect the missing feathers of your little bird friend. Because there are no enemies or any danger of any kind you will be able to lean back and enjoy the scenery and the sensation of flying. It is a great game for relaxing and calming down after an exhausting day full of hassle. Every level has two parts. A first introduction into the overall theme and a second one that gives a little more time to play around and to enjoy the beauty of the area. Of course, you can always select the level that you feel helps most to relax yourself. Most levels can be finished quite quickly so that you can freely choose spend time exploring the environment but you don’t have to stay for too long if you are just looking for a short moment of peace and enjoyment.

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I bought this game because it came up on a list when I searched for non-violent games (needed it for a spot on my bingo card.) Ever since I was young, I’d always hang out the window in the car, feeling the wind rush past me and wondering what it would be like to be a bird. In this game, you play as a bird collecting feathers across multiple worlds. I need more calm in my life, after all. It’s a casual, simple game.

It’s supposed to be calming and relaxing… It’s feckin infuriating. The first level is deceiving because it’s pretty, runs smoothly and it is, in fact, quite relaxing. If only the whole game was like that… Half the levels have shitty frame rate – like Markiplier-playing-hand-sim bad frames. It was so bad that I could barely move. Had to restart the game a few times and it still didn’t fix it.

I was gonna make a joke about how disappointing it is that the bird cant swim, but I’m so disappointed and frustrated that I don’t even care about joking. There’s no order to the levels – the trophies are numbered but the worlds are just slapped on the screen randomly with no way to tell which is which. There’s also no indication that you’ve completed a world.

Half the levels are eye bleedingly bright.

How am I supposed to RELAX and be CALM collecting feathers when I can’t SEE any feckin’ thing?? It physically made my eyes hurt, gave me a headache, and made me want to commit murder. Yet when you finish the two parts of one world, you get a message telling you to just relax and breathe ._.) Are the devs fecking with me?? Sure feels like it.

The trails of the birds wings are also annoying as hell when I’m trying to collect a feather that I can barely see and the sky is filled with the trail as I circle around trying to get the angle right. It’s so bright I can’t see if I even collected the damn thing so I have to keep doubling back and I also can’t see the feckin counter in the bottom corner.

This game makes me want to choose violence.

When I can actually see the level, it’s not a bad game.

I can see the potential here and it could have been a decent game, but the bright levels and frame drops makes it almost unplayable. It’s painful and boring and I honestly regret buying this game… And it was on sale!

Another thing that frustrates me is that you can’t move the camera. Usually you move the character with left and move the camera with right, but both sticks move the character so I can’t even look around to try and find the feathers. On most levels, I have to dive down toward the ground just so incan try and see them against the sky, but I can’t SEE the ground and if you touch anything, you get sent back to the start. It doesn’t reset your progress, thank Satan. There’s also no speed up button so it moves at the same slow crawl. It took me over an hour to finish one level because of these issues when it should have only taken twenty minutes or less.

I guess what they say is true; “You get what you pay for.” Pay 5 bucks or less and you’ll probably get a shitty game :/

My head hurts and I hate everything. Again.