Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins

Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins

released on Nov 18, 1999

Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins

released on Nov 18, 1999

You are Flint, a renegade swordsman on a quest to free a kingdom from the grip of a sinister ruler. Through a land of hidden danger you wield your weapon, navigating an intricate story wrought with bizarre characters, brain-twisting puzzles and wild games. Beware! An even greater evil is about to be revealed...

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Honestly pales in comparison to the first title with its weak setting, writing, and gameplay. I originally planned to finish this game after putting in ~20 hours, but life got in the way and it just never happened. Looking back on it now, I don't feel compelled to spend the time to finish what was at best a mediocre game.

Alundra 1. Is. Love.
This is getting cuckolded by a game.

Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins implements the same puzzle-platformer approach to a 3D action-RPG, featuring (as the title implies) a new saga that set the tragic writing aside for a much stronger sense of levity. Eccentric characters & humor are enhanced by elaborate, voiced cutscenes and a large variety of minigames; their combined effect exudes an atmosphere of harmless fun. But in terms of gameplay, this new dimension brings mixed news: On one hand, it actually improved the platforming, providing better air control with a less prohibitive isometric view. On the other hand, the deceptive hitboxes, lack of tools and a slow knockdown animation results in some annoying combat, that only gets worse as the game proceeds from one grating boss fight to the next. The tricky and creative puzzles are the real bright spots of a sequel that's not without its charm but tends to frustrate more than captivate.

É um jogo mt bom, tudo nele é mt bem pensado, as boss battle todas únicas, os puzzles todos criativos, ele tem a ideia de sempre mudar o tipo de cenários pra as fases e também a perspectiva de câmera, o combate em tempo real, tem uma história mt legal apesar de clichê, mas os personagens são mt massa, protagonista Flint é mt bom,tudo isso no Ps1, é um jogo que deveria ter mt mais reconhecimento

Não sei como consegui aguentar até chegar na ilha após o evento de abertura do jogo.

Os gráficos de Alundra 2 são horrendos, a modelagem faz milagre e ainda assim não consegue fazer algo bonito, reflexo da época onde boa parte dos devs ainda estavam migrando do 2D pro 3D.

Fora isso, o gameplay é mto simples e sem muita graça. Até onde joguei não senti evolução via itens ou power-ups de forma significativa. Talvez mais pra frente, quem sabe?

Mas não serei eu a descobrir. Achei chato, desinteressante, muito rudimentar em matéria de design e dropei com desgosto.

Let me preface this by saying that I had very mixed thoughts on the original Alundra before giving this a go.

I didn't spend a great deal of time with Alundra 2. Essentially, I got out of the first area of the game, progressed a little further and quit. I may not have given this game a fair shake, but it didn't feel like it handled particularly well (and this might be due to how much later in life I played it) and I also felt like despite the obvious attempt to improve upon visuals, it felt more like a step back from the LTTP/IoG-esque look of the first game that would lend it a more appropriate feel for the type of game it tried to emulate.

So, that's the long and short of it. This 0.5 is mostly for me and if you like games in the vein of Link to the Past or Illusion of Gaia, maybe this is something you should give a chance. For me, I just couldn't do it.