Army of Two: The 40th Day

Army of Two: The 40th Day

released on Jan 08, 2010

Army of Two: The 40th Day

released on Jan 08, 2010

The wild boys of the SSC face hell again in this sequel to the hit third-person teamwork-based shooter. Army of Two: The 40th Day reunites Salem and Rios as they're forced to survive in a city under siege. The sequel includes more co-op moves for players to use at any time, which will allow for completely different strategies and options in battle, adding up to a bigger, more organic and immersive co-op experience. The story of The 40th Day places Salem and Rios in the middle of Shanghai, China, as a disaster of epic proportions strikes the city. While they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, they are the right men to react to the chaos. As they fight their way through ruined districts of the city, they discover more and more catastrophes are being orchestrated to devastate Shanghai piece by piece. It's up two Salem and Rios to uncover the secret of the 40th Day and survive the chaos.

Also in series

Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel
Army of Two
Army of Two

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A pretty standard sequel for the 360 era. The story is thrown out the window for a more gameplay focused experience. I found playing the game on the hardest difficulty made it throughly more enjoyable. The sound was so funky with dialogue being so quiet but the explosions etc being so loud. This could not be altered and subtitles were not available. Looking back I think I enjoy the first army of two more.

fond memories of playing splitscreen with my mates, good times

I played this game with my father and we enjoyed it. I recommend if you need a splitscreen 2 player game to play with someone.

i would play this with my brother, it was cool!

Amazing couch co-op game. Just a solid cover-based shooter with the ability to customize weird Frankenstein guns. I could not tell you a thing about the story, but my best friend and I really didn't care too much about it. Too many bad guys to shoot!

When this game was released people kept repeating the mantra "every game is fun with a friend" and if a game didn't have multiplayer it was given bad reviews. EA learned their lesson and realized that they don't actually have to do a story of anything, just give two people guns and they'll have their fun, because every game is fun with a friend, right? This game has absolutely nothing going on, it's just an army of two with guns and covers.