Attack of the Mutant Camels

Attack of the Mutant Camels

released on Dec 31, 1983

Attack of the Mutant Camels

released on Dec 31, 1983

The player controls a small jetplane and has the task of killing giant yellow camels before they reach the home base. Doing so requires several dozens of shots. The camels retaliate by shooting fireballs from their mouth. Each camel required several shots to destroy; if a camel reached the base, the game was over. Once all camels on a level had been killed, the player had to survive a "hyperspace" sequence which required avoiding high-speed missiles. Upon successful completion, the next level presented a new wave of camels, with slightly harder gameplay.

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Jogado na coletânea Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story. Amo como os jogos de Jeff Minter vão ficando cada vez mais estranhos e particulares conforme o tempo passa. Eu consigo controlar minha nave aqui? Não. Eu adorei atirar em camelos mutantes do espaço? Sim.

Have you ever wanted to play Defender where you shoot down AT-ATs disguised as Camels? Someone did.