BattleBlock Theater

BattleBlock Theater

released on Apr 03, 2013

BattleBlock Theater

released on Apr 03, 2013

In BattleBlock Theater, players control a prisoner as they are forced to play through games devised by Hatty Hattington. Controls are simple, with the game largely consisting of running, jumping and punching. Levels are made up of various types of blocks, such as collapsing blocks, sticky walls, bouncy volcanic rocks and deadly spikes, and also feature hazards such as water and deadly creatures.

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Damn, it really does make sense now.

Jeu découvert sur la xbox 360 de Le* Lo**

Не сказал бы, что особо помню про что эта игра, но если мне малому в такое было неинтересно играть, то сейчас скорее всего и подавно.

My favorite part of Alien Hominid was always the weird platformer minigame thrown in as a bonus, and this is that concept blown up into a full game. It's a solid platformer/party game with a ton of customization, but I think the best part is how the coop campaign makes changes to all of the levels to require players to actually cooperate to progress.

Had more fun watching people play this than playing it myself. Not for me, but it is a very good Behemoth game. The cutscenes rock. The intro was constantly referenced by my friends and me in college.