

released on Sep 26, 1986


released on Sep 26, 1986

Step into the shadows of the deadliest dwelling on earth. You've arrived at Castlevania, and you're here on business: To destroy forever the Curse of the Evil Count. Unfortunately, everybody's home this evening. Bats, ghosts, every kind of creature you can imagine. You'll find 'em all over the place, if they don't find you first. Because you've got to get through six monstrous floors before you even meet up with the Master of the House. Your Magic Whip will help, and you'll probably find a weapons or two along the way. But once you make it to the tower, you can count on a Duel to the Death. The Count has waited 100 years for a rematch.

Also in series

Akumajou Densetsu
Akumajou Densetsu
Castlevania: The Adventure
Castlevania: The Adventure
Haunted Castle
Haunted Castle
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Vampire Killer
Vampire Killer

Reviews View More

One of my favorite action platformers of its time. It delivers a fun, spooky Hammer Horror/Universal Horror vibe unlike other games. Despite the frustrating control, which is the main hurdle of this game, I wouldn't want them any other way as they make it uniquely 'Castlevania.'

Um clássico! Tirando algumas situações um tanto injustas e a agua benta quebrar o jogo totalmente, com certeza é um ótimo pontapé inicial pra essa gloriosa franquia.

Hard as balls, but still a classic.

was thinking about how easy and fast the game was going when I got to stage 12 greatest mistake of my life

The goat of difficult NES platformers. Has that perfect level of difficulty that makes you stop just short of throwing your controller at the wall and instead makes you think "I'll get it on my next try." Spoiler alert: you won't.