A retro-inspired 2D Action RPG set in the distant future. CrossCode combines 16-bit SNES-style graphics with butter-smooth physics, a fast-paced combat system, and engaging puzzle mechanics, served with a gripping sci-fi story.

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Jogabilidade muito legal, história divertida, um dia voltarei pra terminar ele

Une pépite, gameplay excellent exploration vraiment au top, les différents biomes sont diversifié, magnifiques et ultra plaisant a explorer, l'histoire intéressante mais pas passionnante la durée de vie est top j'y compte une quarantaine d'heures pour y venir a bout, le seul défaut pour moi n'en est pas vraiment un, c'est quelque chose qui pourra ravir les gamers fans d'énigmes et de puzzles mais d'après moi y'en a vraiment vraiment trop les donjons sont interminables j'avais qu'un seule envie sortir a l'air frais et continuer d'explorer les magnifiques biomes que propose ce jeu, mais par ailleurs les énigmes sont extrêmement complexe plus on avance dans le jeu soyez préparé. Je recommande a fond de jeter un œil a ce jeu il a des tonnes de qualité et ça a été une super expérience pour moi !

one of the best action RPGs i've ever played, to be quite honest. still trying to get around to the DLC.

I like crosscode a lot. Took me honestly probably a lot longer than most people to complete it, I guess, but the game's built for challenge and I'm not the best at games generally.

Crosscode has a lot of charm, the characters are so sweet, and Lea is vaguely relatable in ways I have no idea how to express. I think it's probably my first 2D ARPG and the gameplay was actually really nice and simplistic with upgrade paths that were well explained and gave me the resources to experiment as well. The options for accessibility are really nice and helpful especially if you're slower at reacting, or have just been stuck for hours on a boss.

Very good game. Made me want to cry more out of frustration than emotional moments but they still hit and got me from time to time.

the best action rpg I've ever played. Most action rpgs have the rpg part really grind the action to a halt, but that doesn't happen here. It's a game that's built around constantly keeping the flow moving. From the combat, to the exploration, to the puzzles, you just keep going and going. Plus, it has one of my favorite narratives, ever. It is genuinely a fantastic game and has every right to be recognized as one of the greatest rpgs ever made.