Defenders of the Last Colony

Defenders of the Last Colony

released on Jun 23, 2016

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Defenders of the Last Colony

released on Jun 23, 2016

Defenders of the Last Colony is a Top Down Shooter with Strategy gameplay mechanics, where you have to protect the Colony's core while you gather resources and build defenses. You play as one of the 4 classes: Fighter, Engineer, Striker or Carrier. Defenders features coop up to 4 players and 3D graphics.

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Much is needed to make the game better. It plays like something you'd find for free off of Newgrounds. Much that needs to be described in the game (such as the mechanics) is left on the "How To Play" screen, opening the game on a tutorial would be nice, as would some narration.

This appears to be somebody's first game, so I'm not going to be as bold as to accuse them as pumping out some shit for the key store, even though I acquired it through a key bundle I bought from one of those stores. Such is the price of the grey market - people's work don't want to be forgotten, so it's better to give it out for practically nothing to these distributors rather than be forgotten to the sands of history.

But I'm rambling. Knitted PIxels -- the guy who made this game -- still appears to be interested in making video games so I'd implore him to don't stop here, and hopefully what's been done since has been better. I've been through worse games, and whatever brings someone to the point of a keystore deal can be brought back if they push through hard enough.