EOE: Eve of Extinction

EOE: Eve of Extinction

released on Mar 26, 2002

EOE: Eve of Extinction

released on Mar 26, 2002

Josh Calloway is an employee of Wisdom Incorporated, well known for its work in gene therapy, genome-based drugs, cloning technology and genetic modification of food. He is subjected to tests day after day, hoping to use his increased abilities for the great of science and technology. Little does he know that Wisdom is actually developing LEGACY, a close ranged weapon of great power, hoping to use it to gain military power. Once Josh finally discovers the truth about his new found power, he attempts a daring escape from the base with girlfriend and co-worker Eliel Evergrand. They never made it. Now Eliel soul has been placed inside the core of a new LEGACY weapon, the E.O.E. and Josh holds it inside his modified arm. Only he can put an end to Wisdom's plans, and only he can save Eliel and bring her back to human form, Eve of Extinction is a 3D beat 'em up action title, combining onscreen command elements during play (as in Dynamic Cop) to direct you in the right direction, and help you out of harms way. With the weapon-switching technology, you can change weapons during an attack to increase the attacks power on enemies.

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Despite sharing an abbreviation, this game is not based on End of Evangelion. This is a good thing because that movie fucking sucks. This game is marginally less bad

EOE is an original PS2 action game by Yuke's, a Japanese dev who are mainly known for working on western wrestling titles. It’s an early entry for the system and when playing it you can tell (early PS2 voice acting galore) EOE contains good qualities underneath its jank. You collect different types of weapons from staffs, swords, and axes. These can be leveled up by using them which increases the amount of it you can combo with. The cool thing is that you are encouraged to switch to other weapons mid combo to perform new ones.

Weapons are also subjects of puzzle solving and platforming (which are all very easy mind you). They also have a special attack that is performed by pressing and then doing motion with the right analog stick. It takes a little while to get used to but eventually you get it. The biggest flaw with EOE is the camera. It’s not perfect becomes obvious during boss fights. Something I discovered though is that most of the AI in the game is susceptible to stagger and attacks from behind. While is not free from flaws, EOE is a fun, short action romp if you can deal with the camera mainly.

Monumental in my life for being the game that made me realize that games can actually be bad.

C'était pas mal quand on avait 8 ans

No creo que sea un gran juego, pero por alguna razón, le tengo mucho cariño.