Fake Signals

Fake Signals

releases on TBD

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Fake Signals

releases on TBD

Fake Signals is an action hybrid rogue-lite that secretly infiltrates enemy camps and acquires various weapons to fight.

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Fake Signals is quite the conflicting game for me, I had picked this up and started playing it because I was hoping it would scratch that Hotline Miami itch that I had.

And at points, it did, but at other points, it really didn't. This game is meant to be played as a ''stealth'' game, but that stealth is basically non-existent in this game, its easier, and better, to just go guns blazing in it.

And, it's very clearly inspired by John Wick. The main character is quite literally a John Wick lookalike, and later in the game, you meet an NPC called ''John Week'', so clearly you can see the developer was inspired by the John Wick movies.

That's fine, you can be inspired by those movies, and I want more games inspired by them, so we can have that great combat like in those movies. Sadly, the combat in this game, is just very mediocre. It's nothing special, it can feel satisfying, but it's also frustrating at points too.

The story is quite barebones, you are just killing to find and save your family, and at the end there are some twists, that are a bit weird, and do get you thinking.

At the end of the day, I don't regret playing this game, but I wouldn't have minded not playing it. It's just an extremely mediocre action game, and I know this is the devs first game, and I hope it gets better from here.

Overall: 5/10