

released on May 06, 2022

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released on May 06, 2022

The World's First AI Logic Puzzle Game.Generated in Real Time So It's Always New.

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The idea of a randomly generated puzzle game sounds good on paper, but then when you realise the best puzzle games are great because of their interesting mechanics and hand-crafted levels that force you to think against what you already know, this game falls a bit short.

In order for these puzzles to be randomly generated, the game has very simple mechanics and each level feels the same. A lot of the time, elements in a level aren't even needed for the puzzle but are there as a by-product of the levels making themselves. This often means I find myself stumbling upon the answer to a puzzle accidentally because the level was too confusing or finding it within 10 seconds because the answer was obvious. I don't feel smart when I find the solution I just feel annoyed when I can't because I've expected the game to be easy.

The idea is great and the potential is there but I just can't find myself spending more than the 18 minutes I have on it.

I mean it is free so I would recommend at least checking it out for yourself to see if you like it. Just because I didn't find it fun doesn't mean you won't and the game is still in early access so I can't be too harsh.