Go! Go! PogoGirl

Go! Go! PogoGirl

released on Jan 26, 2022

Go! Go! PogoGirl

released on Jan 26, 2022

Jump on your pogo stick and bounce, bounce, bounce! Go! Go! PogoGirl is a dynamic, cute and wholesome platformer about a girl and her pogo stick. Bounce your way through the world, collect gems and then bounce some more!

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A throwback to the 2D platformer era from the SEGA Genesis both in presentation and gameplay style. Indeed, the tracker music and the pixel art work in both the enemies and the levels certainly fit. Also, the gameplay featuring a constantly jumping pogo stick isn't as bad to control as the theory might suggest, but it might take a bit of time to get used to.
I wish the developer hadn't made the last achievement so cryptic to unlock for no reason.

A 2D platformer whose "gimmick" is that you are on a pogo stick, so your character is constantly bouncing. Think Duck Tales for NES if Scrooge McDuck couldn't stop bouncing on his cane. It's a mechanic that takes some getting used to; If you try to plow through levels like in Sonic the Hedgehog or Super Mario, you'll get frustrated. But if you take the time to learn the game's mechanics and make your movements in a very deliberate fashion, there's a really unique experience that doesn't overstay it's welcome. Unfortunately, I did run into a very specific issue twice; the game has secrets that are hidden in walls a la Donkey Kong Country. When I collected the items that were inside, I couldn't get out! I tried everything both times and both times I had to reset the level. It's a problem, but taking into account this is a five dollar game made by one person, I'd still recommend it to those who like side scrollers but want something a little different.