Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

released on Apr 01, 2014

Goat Simulator

released on Apr 01, 2014

Goat Simulator is a third-person perspective game in which the player controls a goat. There does not appear to be any kind of storyline or plot. The player is free to explore the game's world as a goat, destroying things in the environment, running, jumping, and licking. "Goat Simulator is like an old school skating game, except instead of being a skater, you're a goat, and instead of doing tricks, you wreck stuff," explained the game's creators.

Also in series

Goat Simulator 3
Goat Simulator 3

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Some games are made to be enjoyed the year they come out and never again. Ty for your sacrifice Goat Sim.

Pprt que PORRA de jogo é esse kakakakak, obviamente eu já assisti vários vídeos soq jogar eu nunca joguei, é na época q fazer um jogo todo cagado completamente aleatório dava certo, e realmente, bom o jogo n é mas ele é engraçado slk, e a quantidade de coisas aleatórias q dá pra fazer e vc nem imagina, sla cheguei a me assustar quando eu entrei numa casinha pra cabra e acabei entrando num sla, castelo, onde sentando no trono eu me tornei a rainha das cabras, sla, sei nem o que dizer desse jogo.

One of the funniest and goofiest games I've played, but it gets boring.

i would play this so much as a kid but i remember absolutely none of it. probably for good reason

If you’re trying to just mess around, it’s a fun game. Or at the very least, a decent sandbox where toying around with no perceivable limits and the absurd freedom of the fake scenarios you can create is the fun of it.

On the other hand, if you’re trying to, say, maybe, get the platinum, mind you; well, in that case… just be prepared for eternal pain and suffering.