Gunslinger Girl Volume II

Gunslinger Girl Volume II

released on Dec 31, 2004

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Gunslinger Girl Volume II

released on Dec 31, 2004

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Okay I have to start this by saying; what's with the cover art???? I thought they'd switch things up and throw Triela and Claes into the mix and make them the main characters, maybe have us swap between them during stages since they're quite literally on the box art. But it was just Henrietta again, they didn't appear once, nor were they mentioned.
Anyway that aside...
As for the game, in terms of gameplay it's identical, same enemies same visuals, gameplay so I'm gonna treat this trilogy as if they're all one entity.

First it opens up with the training level from the first game, yup that's right, the same stage that was the weakest part of volume one!The second and third training level are completely new though, they're both way shorter and much more enjoyable, the third teaches you how to fight a new enemy type which is this on wheels machine gun typa thingy.

Now the first real legit level switches things up right from the start! Henrietta's on a boat! It was real fun at first and made shooting the enemies much harder, close to impossible even! Which is why I got frustrated after I made the mistake here thinking that you had to kill every enemy you see before you could progress, the boat loops around and every time it does all the enemies respawn. But because I was so fixated on killing them I missed the arrows to move on the d-pad, you don't have to complete all the enemies in that section at all, it's relatively fun for a bit and you can hop off it whenever you get tired of it.
This stage is in Venice and Henrietta does some silly little bounces in the cutscene shortly after she gets on land and finds Pia, after finding Pia you chase her throughout the city, get on the boat a couple times to chase her down. Gosh slightly off topic but it's so satisfying after using the special attack that auto targets everyone on screen, plays that awesome cutscene of Henrietta just firing her pistol at rapid speed with that blank uncaring and cold stare on her face, and seeing all enemies simultaneously collapse.
It started to drag on a bit, 35 minutes but the boat showdown at the end made it all worth it, getting to fight Pia and eventually the meatheads on the artillery gun in a high speed boat chase was insanely fun.

Things in the next stage start to pick up intensely, Henrietta fails to assassinate Pia's handler, as a result a huge shootout happens with more enemies than we've seen so far, and now getting to use the Uzi too it makes things all the more intense, and gosh the GM in this stage is beautifully intense as well. AND GOD SPEAKING OF BGM THE MUSIC WHEN YOU HAVE THE SHOOTOUT IN THE TRAIN AAHHHHHH
I love this stage, this is the most fun I've had in this game, this isn't the best game in the world but god the fun moments are SOOOOO FUN.

This might just be a case of "ooo baby's first on rails how cute!" but I'll have you know I've played Gal Gun hmmph

AANNNDDD scratch that, the motorbike bit dragged on paiiiiinhfully, they move way too fast and they're bullet sponges but I finally managed to beat it! Pia's handler dies and Pia freaks out and tries to kill Henrietta. She escapes and things close off with the clicking trigger of Pia's empty gun, then it cuts to black as you hear her blood curdling scream, pretty intense ending, I assume she'll be back in part 3 for revenge.


I think at this point the formula is kinda dragging for me a little, and those moving machine guns I mentioned earlier that had a whole tutorial stage dedicated to them? Never appeared again. Yup. Why'd they waste my time making me play the original tutorial AND that too.

Anyway negatives aside I did enjoy playing this again, as much as that motorbike section kinda soured things for me.
Again as I said in the last review, I can't see anyone enjoying this if they're not already a GSG fan. It's fun though, just verrryyy dissapointed by the lack of Triela and Claes, gonna assume it'll be the same next time too but it's whatever, just feels very baity with those cover arts.
I'm bordering on giving this 2.5 for that motorbike section but with how fun the train shootout was I'll give it a 3.