Heaven Will Be Mine

Heaven Will Be Mine

released on Jul 25, 2018

Heaven Will Be Mine

released on Jul 25, 2018

Heaven Will Be Mine is a queer science fiction mecha visual novel from the creators of queer cult horror visual novel We Know The Devil, about joyriding mecha, kissing your enemies, and fighting gravity’s pull. Follow three women piloting giant robots in the last days of an alternate 1980s space program fighting for humanity’s future—or ditching their jobs to make out with each other instead.

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El concepto (las facciones, los ship-selves, el Pilot Program) y lo poco que podemos ver del pasado de las protagonistas es muy interesante y me dan ganas de escribir una historia utilizando alguno de esos elementos. Es una pena que el diálogo llegue a ser en ocasiones insoportable y pesado, y rejugarlo para ver el resto de finales se hace más una tarea que un incentivo.

I don't really have much insight to give for this VN (just play it, it's good), except that I'm glad someone out there wrote a piece of mecha fiction that feels realistic for once; I, too, would use my giant robot to flirt with other horrible girls.

I think I could have liked this, but everything that needed to work for me just didn't.

All my life I've been in queer relationships in various configurations and shapes. There's something really magical about flirting with another queer person, someone who so instantly understands you in a way that only another queer person can. It's a really beautiful thing, and I think that's what was trying to be conveyed Heaven Will Be Mine. It's a disappointment I didn't feel any of that here.

There's so much flirting between characters, a kind of inevitability to at least two of them getting together that's cute and charming. These people type and text like silly little terminally online people of different flavors and I think it adds some much needed grounding to the story that I enjoyed. There are some really fun text conversations throughout this story that I really enjoyed.

With all this relatively tongue in cheek flirting and dialogue, and the main point of the story to be about relationships and flirting between these women, I feel like they missed the most important part, the fun!

Flirting is fun, nerve-wracking, and quickly turns into something equal parts cute and hot. I never once felt any of these emotions playing this. I'm really fascinated with stories about human sexuality, things that explore the exciting, sexy, terrifying, shameful, all of it. I love the ways that artists can explore something so baseline human, so inherent to life and universal, yet so specific feeling.

One of my favorite examples is Bjork's Vespertine, which explores sex in the most beautiful, sensual, and intimate way I've ever heard. Heaven Will Be Mine even seems to take cues from that album, in a thematic sense and literal one, naming one of the mechs The "String of Pearls". There are so many moments that are clear metaphors for sex, with the way that the fights and sci-fi mechanics are thought out, but it all feels strangely sterile and sexless. It's all the metaphor and symbolism without any of the feeling. There's no tension and beauty to me, it just feels like nothing, like a one night stand without any of the pleasure.

I think one of the main culprits of this is that I never really felt I got a good grasp on any of the characters. Even the characters that I spent a lot of time with felt strangely hollow to me, which really kept me from getting invested. All of the dialogue in this game just feel so written to me, like I can hear the keyboard clicks and giggles writing this. In a different story, I think that could work, but here it makes everything disorienting.

This story is abstract. As I was playing I had very little to cling to, which made it hard for me to get invested. It seems like the intention was to have the characters be your anchors, orienting you in this space and conflict that is dizzyingly confusing. Unfortunately, I had a lot of trouble parsing out these characters' relationships to one another, and how they truly felt about one another beyond the fact they wanted to make out. It makes the whole experience feel so... empty.

I think one thing that I really did love though was the soundtrack. It's kinetic and dynamic, and it was so enveloping at times I forgot to breathe. The sound design in general is just so impressively textured that I still found myself getting sucked in at times, regardless of my lack of enjoyment of most of it.

It's disappointing, there are bones of something quite special here, but the most important elements, that being the sexual tension and relationships, fall short in a way I found to be deeply unsatisfying.

I could barely play 5 minutes before the absolutely drivellingly pretentious dialogue made me cringe internally. It was like reading someone's personal AO3 fic. This is identical to We Know The Devil, which will be forever known as hot garbage. Don't waste your time on this.

finished my first playthrough! very cool vibe~ the writing is somewhat abstract and tbh i found the story & lore often confusing... but in a kind of poetic way? it feels more emotional than descriptive, if that makes sense. a good dreamy sink-into-my-body-and-wind-down-in-the-eve-so-i-can-then-do-no-screens-for-a-while-so-i-will-sleep kinda experience

just ppl tryin to figure out how to be themselves and how to relate and change and grow as outsiders, those who don't want to uphold any of the harmful things that humans can perpetuate. essentially, astrological gay (anti-mech?) mech VN, with crunchy and catchy music. curious what the following playthroughs will reveal.

fight with perfect greed!

i don't know what to say. this is a game for girls who never belonged. this is a game about taking the world by the throat and shaking it until your happiness falls out. ambitious and smart devastatingly kind.