Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

released on Nov 18, 2016

Killing Floor 2

released on Nov 18, 2016

In Killing Floor 2 players descend into Europe where the Zed outbreak has quickly spread and gained unstoppable momentum. Just one month after the conclusion of the events in the original Killing Floor, the clones are everywhere and civilization is in disarray; governments have collapsed, and military forces are gone.

Also in series

Killing Floor: Incursion
Killing Floor: Incursion
Killing Floor: Calamity
Killing Floor: Calamity
Killing Floor
Killing Floor

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é muito divertido de se jogar com os amigos, mas depois de um tempo fica MUITO repetitivo. Terminar todos os mapas foi uma provação divina, mas fiz.

I need to replay this man i played it years ago and i wish i liked it more from what i remember it felt hella grindy and had like a million micro transactions for some reason but it was fun tho i remember me and my best friend screaming at each other cus i didn't know what i was doing and he also didn't know jack shit even though he made me download the game like 😭 I also remember really liking the guns too and how much variety there was vene if it was locked behind a dumbass class system that you had to spend hella time to grind out just to gain the ability to BUY THE ABILITY to use the weapons but i don't remember completely I really need to play this game again because im sure I was just hating just to hate but who knows 🤷 6/10

Killing Floor, but with a budget (and micro-transactions)!

I fucking hate this game. I remember greatly enjoying this game on release way back, but I think even back then the rosiness was starting to fall away to expose the sick rotten core of this game. In it's current state it's somehow even more of a comical parody of what it was before, the cosmetics at points really make you question like wow, the first game was a horror game?? I have seen some clown-level cosmetic loadouts people have worn, like shit, pink urban camo with a christmas Clot stapled to ones back? Like shit KF1 could be humorous to an extent and could take the piss with itself but KF2 is just completely sad. Maybe I'm crazy but a guy in a chicken costume as a DLC character is one thing, but shit in KF2 is beyond sad.

I want to mention actual gameplay shit because Patty looks and sounds like shit, and I hate every disgusting "new" enemy they've added to this scum game. I hate double Gorefasts, I hate the shitty spammed robots, and I hate the STUPID looking riot-gear Clots. I also really didn't like many of the new maps I'd played. I don't really know what happened with modding but holy Christ a lot of the player-made levels look and feel like shit. Like, I don't want to be rude or anything, but coming off of KF1 where officially-added player made maps were some of my absolute favorites in that game, there are some AMAZING maps in that game. I can't knock every single one in KF2 - because I didn't play every single one - but I really don't think I'll play more of this snoozefest to see them.

I genuinely believe this to be one of the worst, if not THE worst, co-op shooter on the market. It has more actual issues but I don't want to think of this game ever again in my life, I think I'd actually rather play Payday 3, unironically, not as a joke. This game puts me the fuck to sleep. I'd go lower but this game is a great sleep aid, it lets me lucid dream about KF1 not being dead in the grave.

gave it a couple hours and not really my thing.