Kunoichi Botan

Kunoichi Botan

released on Jan 04, 2019

Kunoichi Botan

released on Jan 04, 2019

A role-playing game from Enokippu.

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A pocket sized ero-rpg that doesn't overstay it's welcome? Huh.

The concept is as straightforwards as it gets: You play mostly as Botan, a kunoichi that needs to murder this merchant that is dealing with Onis in order to get power. Your mission is to infiltrate his house and try not to get yourself killed.

RPG Systems and gameplay in general: Honestly I love this game's simple approach to combat, you can either instakill most enemies by sneaking on them, or fighting them head on with basic attacks whose damage depends a bit on a die (it even has it's own little animation on screen, lovely stuff). Besides that you probably are going to rely on the "Substitution Jutsu" technique that can tank 2 hits for you occasionaly (it can be used out of combat). Since the game is rather small, this approach just works really fine.

Since the game is rather short, I'll try to simplify the rest of the review.

Botan gets "cursed" by the Onis and that makes her very susceptible to break after having sex with them, so most of the game will have you trying not to get game overs after you get grabbed by the wandering onis of the mansion, or on the games specific story events that can get you a game over screen and usually a H-Scene for your troubles.

On the topic of the content of those H-Scenes, and the overall game, it's a rather gruesome approach that I'm not really used to see. Pretty much all of them H-scenes result in Botan getting brutally murdered, and whilst the game usually doesn't show everything, it makes an effort to describe what happens to botan after she gets broken and that was interesting to say the least. Honestly, my only gripe is that usually you have to replay a bunch of text and sometimes whole gameplay sections if you want to see an H-scene, which makes for some boring waiting times. But that is just a nitpick.

Conclusion: I find hard to say anything too bad about this one, it dodged many of the usual mistakes I see with this kind of game. It's very short so definetely give this one a try, but skip it if descriptions of extreme violence are not your thing.