Love Island: The Game - Season 2

Love Island: The Game - Season 2

released on Jun 06, 2019

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Love Island: The Game - Season 2

released on Jun 06, 2019

An episode of Love Island: The Game

The second season of Love Island: The Game was released on June 6, 2019. Two episodes were made available weekly up until Day 24 – where only one episode was released per week, with the final one being released on October 8, 2019. A special wedding episode was later released on February 5, 2020. A spin-off series named "Chelsea's Murder Mystery" was also released in 2021.

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having played this side by side with season 6, it is seriously mind-boggling just how much more replayable this is.

spoilers for both season 2 and season 6

i'd describe just about every character in season 6 as a "pretty png." nearly every character is written to be replaced with at least 2 others. whoever you couple up with at the beginning will have the same dialogue on the first date. after choosing between your original partner and roberto, whoever you pick will become the sweet loyal boy who gushes in casa amor about how no one could possibly turn his head. the person you didn't pick will be revealed to have cheated on you (with your SISTER) before you chose. he then goes on to be an insufferable little brat.

and because of that, i would never fucking consider romancing roberto. both because i've seen him this whole time as a cheater and an asshole, and because i wouldn't want to see my precious angel lewie take on that role.

this is just one of many examples. to name of few others:

- bella, chloe and flo (all the wlw options) are written to be the same character, so whichever you pick (always sending the other home, because god forbid we get 2 gay options at the same time) has the same dialogue. oh she's so funny! she's such a jokester!

- francis, andy and elliot (the surviving casa boy) are the same character. oh he's such a doll. he wouldn't get up to all that drama that the other boys are getting up to. he only has eyes for you! how sweet!

the only romance options with their own separate paths are marshall and ozzy. and they fucking suck!!! marshall doesn't start coming onto you until your sister already rejected his ass, and ozzy is leading grace on about their relationship the entire fucking season, too much of a baby to be honest with his girlfriend about how little he values that relationship and stop wasting her TIME (side note - i hate grace as much as everyone else does. she's so fucking delusional. but people hate on her way more than ozzy and honestly i'm gonna say that's unfair!! hate them both equally!!).

with options like these, i'd prefer to go back to 4 love interests like season 1, so at least you know that the character you choose isn't just a copy paste of 2 others. instead, they chose to write BORING characters with no defining character motivations, so that they didn't have to write as much dialogue and everyone could replace anyone else.


in comparison, season 2 is fucking incredible. there are just about the same amount of love interests (i don't have the exact numbers but there are a LOT!). and!!! they all have fuckinggggg personalities!!!! they all have ARCS!!!!!! JESUS.

take ibrahim (my first partner). no matter who you are pursuing, jo will have a thing with him. their paths are tied in that way. and so, if you are pursuing him, jo will be a roadblock that she won't be with any of the other options. the same goes with lottie to gary, and hope to noah. these are all distinct paths you can take.

and think that's impressive? well what if i told you that these paths have different endings too!?!

throughout the early stages of the game, ibrahim and i were friend vibes. he seemed a bit flighty, always nervous around me, and all around not super great at showing he cared about me. so i stayed coupled up with him for a few recouplings while waiting for someone new to come in and sweep me off my feet. well guess what! ibrahim remembered this. and during one of the last recouplings when i was very at risk of being dumped, i came to him and asked him to choose me. and he said no!! he felt a genuine connection with jo, and he didn't feel that him and i would go the distance.

and i just think that's so fucking cool!!! one thing you may have noticed about my description of the characters in season 6 is that they're all so fucking loyal. lewie didn't need to gush about me in casa. i wasn't being loyal! i was sharing a bed with andy and smooching him and francis the whole time. chloe didn't need to be in friendship couples the whole game, waiting for the perfect moment to couple with me so she can finally be with someone romantically. i certainly wasn't! i had nearly everyone in the villa at my heel. that's just such boring writing! give me competition! give me the chance to fail!

i don't think any of these takes are new ones. i read the comments on fusebox's instagram posts after every episode, and believe me when i say no one likes the direction fusebox is going. i didn't even talk about how fucking annoying amelia and her "girl chats" are, or the increasingly ridiculous gem costs for ugly outfits or for 2 extra lines of dialogue (i spent gems to tell ryan to leave the island with ivy. he said something to the effect of "whaaaaat! i dunno if i love her THAT much!" and that's it. thanks for the gems dumbass (only to have ryan leave the island regardless of the gem choice like TWO CHAPTERS LATER HAHAHA WHAT THE FUUUUUCK)). i really hope that fusebox is listening. i would love for their 7th season to reach any of the same highs as season 2 did. god. i'd love that so much.

anyway the real reason season 2 rocks is CHELSEA BABEYYYYY LOVE U BABE BRA SISTERS 4 LYFE ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️