Mega Man 10

Mega Man 10

released on Mar 01, 2010

Mega Man 10

released on Mar 01, 2010

The 8-bit old-schoolers of the world have spoken. And boy, did they do so decisively. When Capcom released the NES-style Mega Man 9 back in 2008, they did it as a piece of one-off fan service, and no matter how good the game was (and it was very, very good), no one expected another 8-bit offering in the core series. And yet, here it is. Mega Man 10 can be found on WiiWare, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in all of its retro glory. And, it, too, is very good.

Also in series

Street Fighter X Mega Man
Street Fighter X Mega Man
Rockman Xover
Rockman Xover
Rockman no Dot Art Logic
Rockman no Dot Art Logic
Mega Man Rush Marine
Mega Man Rush Marine
Mega Man Space Rescue
Mega Man Space Rescue

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I like this game but something about it feels off to me. It tries to be a throwback to the NES titles like 9 which I do not think it's a bad thing by itself, but it takes a little more liberties that make the game feel a tad off. The stage design feels... different? Maybe it's just my impression but I got the feeling that the stages were longer or simply took more time to beat and that makes it drag on a little. The bosses are also my least favorite part of this game, I found them to have more complex patterns than the ones in 9 and that can sometimes be for the worse, as some bosses are really tough to deal with even outside hard mode. Besides that the game is alright, good graphics and especially good music, I just don't think it does it like 9 does.

not as good as mega man 9 imo and not in my top 5 but still a good game

Its cool, I don't have much to say about this game tbh besides having the same thoughts I did here compared to MM9

but having 3 different playable characters is really sick

Mega Man 10 has the exact same problem 5 had, that being playing it way too safe. The back to basics approach doesn’t really work twice and because of that this game really doesn’t stand out at all compared to 9 outside of some neat stages.

Mega Man 10 just kinda does the Mega Man 9 thing again. The action-platforming foundation is rock-solid as expected, but with it comes 9's over-reliance on mini-bosses and "one hit, eat shit" level design, and without the freshness of 9's retro-revival luster—or its superior soundtrack and arsenal of weapons—it's a little harder to overlook. It has its moments, but it's hardly the return to form the game it's capitalizing on was.

(played in Megaman Legacy Collection 2)