One Punch Man: World

One Punch Man: World

released on Jan 31, 2024

One Punch Man: World

released on Jan 31, 2024

Get ready for "One Punch Man: World", an action game developed by T3 Studio, a subsidiary of Perfect World Games! "One Punch Man: World" is a new action game with a perfect recreation of the anime. The world of One Punch Man is intricately expanded through the perspectives of various characters, all while staying true to the original anime's essence.

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So much wasted potential... when this game is adapting the manga/anime is fantastic, the animations, music, voice acting are great, even the gameplay is diverse and fun, but the second the mobile BS enter, everything falls apart. The tutorials are annoying, all the requirements to improve a character are clearly bloated to make money, outside the adaptation, the gameplay turns to a repetitive series of fights and fetch quests, the original story is too low profile and inconsequential to be interesting. Fuck, not even the gacha is well done, who the hell thought that a 0.6% chance for a good character is enticing?! Specially after banning people for doing reroll (I know they regret that, but the damage was done). Look, I would love to pay for a version of this game with only the manga/anime parts (And maybe the cinema minigame), but the sad truth is that this game is doomed to die in a few months, because is unable to gain gacha players with its greedy rates, and it can't maintain the OPM fans for the simple fact that this game isn't what most of them want.

No sé que espero de estos juegos, pero madre mía... Recadero simulator. Rezando por el día en el que un juego de anime para móvil sea mínimamente interesante.

Muy bonito y todo eso, pero me cansó demasiado rápido y está muy pocho.

Não sou fã de opm mas esse jogo me fez ter tantas reações positivas, que tô até cogitando dar uma nova chance ao anime. Desde os controles aos gráficos tá tudo muito bem feito. Os caras conseguiram fazer um jogo nível de console pra mobile, o que é incrível se for analisar a diferença das 2 plataformas. Foi uma recepção muito melhor do que eu tava esperando.