Pipe Dream

Pipe Dream

released on Jun 01, 1989

Pipe Dream

released on Jun 01, 1989

Each level of this abstract puzzler challenges the player to set up a network of pipes to allow an unspecified substance known as 'flooz' to flow through as many of those as possible. The pieces are offered in random order, and there are seven different types - straight lines going horizontally or vertically, corners rotating in each of the four directions, and cross-over pieces which carry the flooz straight across horizontally and vertically. Each of these can be entered from either side. When the flooz hits a gap, or a piece which the previous piece can't flow into, the pipe is finished. Before the flooz starts flowing from its randomly-selected starting position, the player has several seconds to start placing pieces. They can be put down anywhere. However a situation that can often occur is there will be a long and complex piping arrangement set up, yet a gap somewhere remains to be filled. Players are able to replace a piece with another in the same square (to make it easier to flow the flooz that way), but for a slight scoring penalty.

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I probably shouldn't love this game as much as I do. The concept is simple, but it just triggers the right parts of your brain so that all you want to do is twist that next pipe into place. It's like they figured out how to digitize powerwashing videos into a game (before they actually just made a powerwashing game).

Good game, stimulates my brain tissues

There's also a Game Boy version. This game is addiction in a cartridge.

Intense puzzle game that really puts you under pressure, much like the pipes you're working with.