Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

released on Dec 31, 1993

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

released on Dec 31, 1993

He's a plumber, she's a daddy's girl. Only you can get them together, or tear them apart! Plumbers have everything: Greed, sex, spirituality, white-knuckle chases, shameful propositions, a nun, humor, true love, jaded love, jealousy, taut action, comedy, a bad guy, a good guy, a hero, spine-tingling suspense, a hot babe, brazen bravado, a damsel in distress, and a Hollywood ending! Plays like a game... feels like a movie!

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This is pure, unadulterated CAMP. In the same way I absolutely adore "D.E.B.S." or how some cinephiles regard "The Room" as a classic, I believe "Plumbers Don't Wear Ties" deserves a spotlight for what it is -- a camp camp classic.

It's worth noting that most--if not all--players who know of this game's existence rule it as an insult to gaming. "The worst game of all time," so to speak. However, I argue the aesthetic and direction of this game are fantastic. It successfully leans into the ridiculous, which again, makes it fantastic. It's difficult for art to achieve this type of merit. It almost reminds me of those early 00s parody films that oversaturated the genre. They were bad with bad results. Instead, you get a game that's just fun, and it achieves fun effectively. Have fun once in a while, DAMN!!!

I'm just here to call this garbage out of obligation. Another early FMV game in a long line of cheesy and clunky interactive adventures that rose to infamy.

if i had a small budget, a few actors and a poverty level coder, i'd make this game too

side note: someone i was talking to called this potentially one of the earliest western visual novels and i almost threw up in my mouth

Yeah, I was a sucker and I bought the Limited Run re-release. I watched the AVGN video years ago, it became one of my favorites, and this appeared to be "The Room" of video games. So I had to have a way to actually play it instead of just watching others play it (especially after the best way of playing it before, through YouTube, was rendered useless after YouTube removed the annotation feature).

And I can honestly say I don't regret spending money and physically adding this game to my collection at all. To all of the people saying "It's not even so bad it's funny. It's just bad", I highly disagree. There's even a lot of really funny shit that the AVGN didn't mention.

Though, unlike The Room, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is often trying to be funny. The humor comes from its failure in this respect lol

You know what? I gotta be real here: This is possibly one of the worst games ever fucking made. I will hold up that candle to a light with absolute confidence. I don’t know how or why or who decided to green-light a game like this, but it’s just astounding.

however, as far as video game preservation goes, this is a absolute holy Grail to behold, filled with a lot of really good behind-the-scenes, makings, archival, photos, and interviews that will give any gamer a run for their money. What limited run has done is something to treasure, and I hope that they do more of this in the future.