Psycho Chaser

Psycho Chaser

released on Apr 06, 1990

Psycho Chaser

released on Apr 06, 1990

Psycho Chaser is a vertically-scrolling sci-fi shooter. The player takes control of the titular battle android. There are multiple weapons which can be picked up and freely switched between, and also power-ups which allow for weapon and energy upgrades between stages.

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I think if you call your game Psycho Chaser you owe it to the world to at least create something pretty badass.

Psycho Chaser isn't. It's a vertical shmup where a RoboCop looking player slowly jogs at enemies.

It's fairly mindnumbing. You can switch between four weapons and in between levels upgrade them as you see fit. The lite RPG system is fairly solid, but you end up upgrading everything before the final level easily, so there's not much point to it.

There are also multi-shot upgrades of which I've seen two in the whole game that add a second shot to your weapon, but no more than that. Aside from that you auto-shoot missiles.

I feel like there's a solid game somewhere here, but the levels are long and samey and the backgrounds are pretty bad, often making you wonder what you can stand on and what you can't. Don't lightly jog into the pit, Robo, it'll kill ya!

The music might be ok, but the sound effects are overpowering. Also, maybe it's just me, but I think two of the weapons are at all points outclassed by others. You don't really need side shot ever, and thunder, while homing, gets easily beaten by any obsticle and has a tendency to go to any enemy it sees fit, leaving you defenceless. Compared to Fire - a standard laser, and multishot, I honestly think they're just bad.

I also question the part where the game puts you on a narrow walkway with an enemy closing in you can't defeat only to ask you to effectively walk through it at a certain angle, because no weapons can kill it in time.

It's pretty bad.

Slow and simple at first but you come to respect that. Big fan of the enemy oddities, especially the boomerang dreadknights and the giant antlions that pull you toward the shifting sands of their pits.