

released on May 10, 2017


released on May 10, 2017

A hospitalized Boy comes to terms with his own story by traveling with his Mom to a beautiful fantasy world; ultimately helping his fellow patients find closure by walking a mile in their shoes.

Also in series

Mr. Saitou
Mr. Saitou

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A very sweet game, fun to play, emotionally devastating.

I cried like a baby. Apart from the emotional story, if you like pixel art/pixel games in general, you should check this one out.

Uno de los juegos más emotivos y bonitos que he jugado. Si durase menos sería incluso mejor.

A game that, despite it's flaws, packs a serious emotional punch and deserves to be played.

Completing this game was difficult for me, since the first half was a bit disappointing. The first 2 "substories" (out of 5) were interesting, but a tad overdramatic and didn't elicit the emotions I was hoping for. The gameplay felt a little grindy, with time being wasted on walking back and forth between locations and doing very little interaction with the world. I ended up stopping for about 2 months halfway through the third character story, since it just didn't feel like it was worth my time.

It took me a while to find the motivation to continue past that point, but I'm really glad I did - the endings of the last 3 character stories were heartbreakingly emotional, managing to make me cry during reveals I'd already put together beforehand.

Rakuen is far from perfect, but there is definitely a lot to admire in the end.

Rakuen è un gioco di cui comprendo le recensioni negative, purtroppo ogni singolo aspetto del gameplay è tedioso. C'è poco da fare, i puzzle so stupidi e lenti nella risoluzione. Sei disperso spesso, non capisci bene che fare e vai a tentoni in un mondo che graficamente tutto sommato è sufficiente ma niente di eccezionale. E allora perché mi schiero tra gli estimatori? Perché...ho un finto rapporto conflittuale con mia madre e siccome il gioco tocca bene varie sfaccettature di questo tasto dolente non posso non riconoscere una buona scrittura che mantiene tutta la baracca